Fire Engineering Training Community

Where firefighters come to talk training


The Backroom Crew

In our Service and most Departments we have what is called a Rec Room, Day Room or backroom where we go to Kick back , eat , drink Coffee or just watch TV , this where we can put up our Feet and relax before the Tones go out and we go out to the Next

Latest Activity:Apr 19, 2018

Discussion Forum

The Roundtable Discussion

Where we can sit and talk about the Fire Service What is the Roundtable- it's a form of members meeting to discuss their veiws to a issue, without yelling and screaming at each other and coming to…Continue

Started by Mike France Apr 27, 2011.

The Lighter Side of Firefighting8 Replies


Started by Mike France.Last replyby Mike France Apr 11, 2011.

Backroom Library7 Replies

What have you read lately for TrainingContinue

Started by Mike France.Last replyby Kevin Shea Apr 3, 2011.

Twas the Night Before Christmas In the Firehouse1 Reply

Twas the night before Christmas in the FirehouseAll was quiet no one was striing not even the ProbieAs i Sat in my office drinking my coffee and doing paperworkThe Crew was all nestled in thier…Continue

Started by Mike France.Last replyby Kayce Cawthon-McCarty Dec 22, 2010.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of The Backroom Crew to add comments!

Comment byMike Franceon June 14, 2011 at 6:47am

Some days you need a good laugh

Comment byKevin Sheaon April 1, 2011 at 2:04pm
Welcome home everyone, hope whoever went to FDIC had a good time, I like catching up with everyone. Good time, only ended a week ago and I am looking forward to next year.
Comment byKayce Cawthon-McCartyon January 31, 2011 at 11:53am
Good to hear! Get you back up and going for FDIC; someone has to keep Mike out of trouble!!
Comment byJeff Schweringon January 31, 2011 at 11:51am
Doc this afternoon, before the ice shows up, I'll know more then. So far so good.
Comment byKayce Cawthon-McCartyon January 31, 2011 at 11:10am
Hey Jeff, how goes the healing process?
Comment byJeff Schweringon January 31, 2011 at 11:08am
very nice Mike! very nice indeed
Comment byKayce Cawthon-McCartyon January 31, 2011 at 8:58am

Okay, this is a little TOO comfy looking. He will get off the bloody thing!

Comment byMike France2011年1月31日在8:54am
Here you go jeff
Comment byKayce Cawthon-McCartyon January 28, 2011 at 10:33am

Hey Gimpy!! You take it easy so you can enjoy FDIC. Glad your surgery went well and you are recovering.

Comment byJeff Schweringon January 28, 2011 at 10:01am
Mike, you are missing the recliner for those of us that are temporarily laid up.

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