Fire Engineering Training Community

Where firefighters come to talk training

  • Male
  • Elkhart, IN
  • United States
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  • none
  • Brandon Roark
  • Ronald A. Moniuk
  • 瑞安·伯特(Ryan Berter)
  • Grant Deason
  • Bob Allard
  • Steve Redick
  • Shane Furuta
  • Gregory Havel
  • Glenn Corbett
  • Todd Kornacki
  • 戴夫·库什瓦(Dave Cushwa)
  • Patrick Lenzi
  • Frank Ricci
  • Anthony Avillo

杰伊·迈克尔's Groups

杰伊·迈克尔's Page


Lives in:
Elkhart, IN
Elkhart Fire Department
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Staffing, Training, Financial Difficulties, Radios and Moral
Professional Qualifications:
Fire Officer 3,
IFSAC Instructor II/III
Building Construction
Fire Ground Command
Large Water Delivery
Areas of expertise:
I don't know as I am an expert as I still learn from every class I teach or take
I teach building construction and fire behavior classes along with fire ground command training. Large Water Delivery/Application Training.
I authored an article for Fire Engineering on Clandestine Drug Labs.
I was a certified paramedic for 20 years dropping this in 2003 but maintaining EMT certification
Married 28 years wife Pam, nurse. Two sons Craig, Greenville SC, sales. Jeff pro baseball player, in the city whose team pays him.

Your Fire Engineering Training Community Box

Fires do not think,
They react to set laws in relation to chemistry and physics.
We, the firefighters, are supposed to think and outsmart the fire.
Yet we often lose to this non-thinking entity.
This should sound alarm bells at every level in regards to our training.
Ken Shand
Canadian Forces Fire Service

Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 6:27pm on November 12, 2008,吉姆·梅森说…
Hey Jay
I hope all is good with you.
We have a new discussion on coordinating the fire attack on CSF (Common Sense Firefighting ) when you get a chance take a look at it from the chiefs perspective Delete Comment.
At 6:34pm on June 22, 2008,Tr Hagerty说…
Brother Jay
Great articl on clan labs. We have had some good fires caused by labs. We have a house fire last week that turned out to be a good size lab and they are still putting people in jail that have ties. I can get you more info and photos of one we have had if you need them. Again Great Articl TR
At 2:36pm on June 8, 2008,Shane Heeter说…
At 9:00pm on April 29, 2008,Tr Hagerty说…
首先,添加到卡兹(Kaz),我不能相信你让尼克(Nick)离开埃尔克哈特(Elkhart)!埃尔克哈特(Elkhart)的情况如何与安哥拉无价$$$ tr相同
2008年4月13日下午5:59Brian Kazmierzak说…
Jay - when you get a chance in the next couple weeks give me a call and come on over and see the Command Training Center. I know you have used DC in the past, so I am sure you will like what we have going on!
At 3:08pm on April 13, 2008,Brian Kazmierzak说…
Good seeing you at FDIC brother! Wish I could have spoke with you more! You really need to keep Nick on a lot shorter leash!
At 4:34pm on March 22, 2008,Shane Furuta说…
Thanks Chief... Hopefully the department will come around. I'm hoping this FDIC trip will open some eyes to our attendees. I'll see you at the conference! Just look for the Hawaii guys that are lost in Indy!
At 8:05pm on March 15, 2008,Ray McCormack说…
See You at FDIC
2008年3月11日晚上7:04戴夫·库什瓦(Dave Cushwa)说…
Hey Boss! Adding another tool for the toolbox. See you tomorrow. Bye-the-bye, can we call in sick via this site? Just kidding!
At 10:53pm on March 10, 2008,Patrick Lenzi说…

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