Fire Engineering Training Community

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Jim Miller's Friends

  • Jimmy Grostick
  • Bryan Downie

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Jim Miller's Page

Profile Information

Parma Fire Department
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Professional Qualifications:
Firefighter 2 and Paramedic certified
Topics you provide training for:

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At 9:04pm on March 26, 2009,Bryan Downiesaid…
Sent Mike a message about our sessions and the recent fires that helped validate the program. Notably the Heights fatality and the recent rescue on Gilbert. Stay safe
At 8:52pm on March 25, 2009,Bryan Downiesaid…
Great job on the air management training drills Jim!
At 7:59pm on December 4, 2008,Jimmy Grosticksaid…
Sounds like a great class @ FDIC. I sure hope to make it some day out there...maybe this year (2009)...

I missed the ROAM class that was brought into our County this summer as I was on a 48.. But the few guys that did make it there said it was outstanding. Let me know how it goes on your efforts...I am thinking of trying to implement a SCBA "work-rate" exercise here at the house too. I think that initially it would be voluntary, but as it catches on, most will wnt to get involved. Maybe charting the progress? What ideas did you have?
At 11:20pm on December 3, 2008,Jimmy Grosticksaid…

On the search box type in "mayday" (one-word)... about half way down you will see the link under the "guestbook names"

I used the video to as part of teaching RIT and FF survival class for academy. Had it playing while the recruits were coming in on the projector with sound...

Sure got their attention..

Be safe!


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