Fire Engineering Training Community


Joseph Kitchen
  • Male
  • Lima, OH
  • United States
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Joseph Kitchen's Friends

  • Susan William
  • Nathan Burtscher
  • Stephen Raclaw
  • Ian Schulte
  • 迈克尔·D·斯塔特(Michael D. Staats)
  • 保罗·科姆斯
  • Aaron Heller

Joseph Kitchen's Groups

Welcome, Joseph Kitchen!


Joseph Kitchenupdated theirprofile
May 12, 2020


Lives in:
Lima, Ohio
Fire Chief
Years of public service:
Top issues in your department:
We have struggled recently with budget issues due to major changes in how businesses and industries are taxed in Ohio. This has led to serious belt tightening. We are also experiencing some difficulty recruiting & retaining firefighters, often seeing them move to other departments with higher salaries. We are working hard to train and develop three new platoon chiefs and are constantly focusing on firefighter health and safety.
Level II FF, Paramedic, EMS Instructor, Fire Instructor, Investigator, Certified Fire Safety Inspector, Hazmat/WMD Technician, AAS Fire Science, & AAS Emergency Medical Services. Ohio Fire Chief Officer designation. Fire Officer I, II, & III. ACLS, PALS, PHTLS, GEMS, and PEARS.
Topics you provide training for:
Human resources, conflict resolution, dealing with difficult employees, and communication issues. Transitioning volunteer departments to career & part time. Managing combination (part time) fire & EMS personnel. Use of social media in the fire service. Partnering with major industries to improve fire response. Managing millennials. Professional development fore firefighters. Managing morale in departments with 50 employees or less. Branding/Marketing. I am excited to be presenting at FDIC 2018 in Indianapolis.
Areas of expertise:
军官发展与领导问题。凭借工业消防,规划和应急响应的背景,Cepen Chicken厨188金博网网址多少房与主要公司紧密合作,包括福特汽车公司,宝洁公司,Dana Corporation,Meto-Kote Corp.,Nickles Bakery,Nickles Bakery,United States Plastics等。我也喜欢帮助部门解决士气问题和部门间冲突。
Joseph L. Kitchen, OFC, is Fire Chief of the Bath Township Fire Department. He joined in 1990, as a volunteer. He served six years as lieutenant, and was appointed to the position of Fire Chief in April of 2002.
Chief Kitchen毕业于Bath High School,Apollo职业中心公共安全计划和Rhodes State College,他以荣誉毕业,并入选Phi Theta Kappa国际荣誉学会。他在鲍灵格林州立大学,富兰克林大学和俄亥俄州消防学院完成了培训课程。188博金宝体育1他已经完成了I,II和III的消防官,并拥有紧急医疗服务和技术研究 /消防科学学位。
He is a Level II firefighter, paramedic, fire investigator and a certified fire safety inspector. Chief Kitchen has over 27 years of service in EMS and holds ACLS, PALS, PHTLS, & PEARS certifications. Additionally, he is a hazmat / weapons of mass destruction technician, an assistant fire service instructor, and an EMS continuing education instructor. Chief Kitchen is a graduate of the Advanced Exterior Firefighter II program at Texas A&M University. In 2015 he obtained credentialing from the Ohio Fire Chiefs' Assn. as an "Ohio Fire Chief Officer."
他定期参加俄亥俄消防局长协会的培训课程,并参加与消防服务领导力,管理,消防策略和操作以及紧急医疗服务有关的各种研讨会,研讨会和会议。In 2013, he was named a Fellow of the Ohio Fire and Emergency Services Foundation and in 2014, was elected as its Northwest District Trustee.2016年,他被任命为俄亥俄州消防局长协会。董事会担任“整个董事”。他是Leatherheads Society/Central Ohio Fools的兄弟会成员。
Chief Kitchen currently serves as chairman of the EMS Program Advisory Board at Rhodes State College. He is a member of the Allen County Safe Community Coalition, the Allen County Local Emergency Planning Committee, the Allen County Health Department Emergency Preparedness Committee, the Allen County Regional Planning Fatal Crash Review Committee, and various other organizations. He also serves as Allen County coordinator for the Ohio Fire Chiefs’ Emergency Response Plan.
Chief Kitchen is a member of the International Association of Fire Chief’s, National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, National Fire Protection Agency, Ohio Fire Chief’s Association, Vice-President of the Northwest Ohio Fire Chief’s Association, and served as President of the Allen County Fire Chief’s Association, Inc. for many years. He is a regular contributor to Fire Engineering Magazine's Online Blog Community.
2012年,他在俄亥俄州俄亥俄州雷诺斯堡的俄亥俄州消防局名人堂和消防颁奖典礼上被俄亥俄州公共安全部门授予“年度最佳消防官”。首席厨房还获得了阿波罗职业中心“年度公民奖”,“罗德斯州立大学”杰出校友奖,“利马·艾伦县安全社区联盟”消防安全奖,“美国心脏协会” Heartsaver Hero奖,和圣丽塔医学中心“格雷格·金·金(Greg King)生命之星奖”。

首席厨房居住在巴斯镇(Bath Township),有一个女儿,他是巴斯当地学校的学生。他喜欢与家人共度时光,向当地组织,教学和培训新的消防员和消防员。他是利马扶轮社的成员。他是辛辛那提红人队的粉丝,喜欢参观美国伟大的球场。他还是巴斯高中田径运动的粉丝和追随者。
您可以在Twitter上关注Chief Kitchen @chiefjoekitchen


Joseph Kitchen's Blog

社区Collaboration: How Local Fire Departments, First Responders, and Business/Industry Can Form Partnerships

社区Collaboration: How Local Fire Departments, First Responders, and Business/Industry Can Form Partnerships

约瑟夫·厨房(Joseph Kitchen),巴斯TWP。Fire Department (Lima, Ohio)


Posted on May 1, 2018 at 5:00pm




You are about to experience something very special. You have been chosen to be part of…


Posted on March 5, 2018 at 9:30am



约瑟夫·厨房(Joseph Kitchen),巴斯TWP。消防局(俄亥俄州利马)…


Posted on February 6, 2018 at 10:30am






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