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约翰·诺曼's Groups

约翰·诺曼's Page

Profile Information

Fire Department, City of New York
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Professional Qualifications:
See Bio
Topics you provide training for:
Technical Rescue
Hazardous Materials
副助理局长约翰·诺曼是一个老兵more than 37 years in the fire service, including 27 years with the FDNY, the majority of that time in Special Operations units. Chief Norman served as a firefighter with Engine Co. 290, Ladder Co. 103 in Brooklyn, Rescue Co. #3, and helped organize Hazardous Materials Company #1 at its inception in 1984. As a Lieutenant, he served with Rescue Co.#2, in Brooklyn, and as the Captain of Rescue Company #1. While still assigned to Rescue 1, John worked with the Safety Command and the Fire Commissioner’s High Rise Fire Safety Task Force, investigating and then developing high-rise fire safety legislation in the wake of the fatal Vandalia Avenue and Macauley Culkin fires. Promotion to Battalion Chief in 1999 brought assignment to Battalion 10 and the Y2K Preparation Task Force before assignment to Battalion 16. In the days after September 11th, 2001, and the collapse of the Twin Towers, John was designated as the Search and Rescue Manager for the World Trade Center site. He operated in that position for two months before assuming the job of Chief of Special Operations on a full-time basis. He was subsequently promoted to Deputy Chief in June of 2003, remaining in Special Operations. In August 2004, Chief Norman was promoted to Deputy Assistant Chief, and once again designated as Chief of Special Operations, in addition to being a citywide tour commander, responsible for all operations of the New York Fire Department during his 24 hour shift.

Chief Norman attended Oklahoma State University, majoring in Fire Protection Technology. After college he worked as a Fire Protection Engineer for a major N.Y.C. fire protection contractor, designing sprinkler, standpipe, and other fire protection systems for many buildings in the Metro New York area, including such famous addresses as 666 Fifth Avenue, and portions of the ill-fated World Trade Center. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Fire Service Administration from Empire State College of the State University of New York. He attended the first FDNY/USMA-West Point Combating Terrorism Leadership Program in 2003, and is a graduate of the FDNY/Columbia University Fire Officers Management Institute.

首席诺曼一直兼职讲师Fire Academy on Randall’s Island, teaching in the Chief Officers Development Course, the Confined Space Rescue, Building Collapse Rescue, and the Foam Coordinator’s/Flammable Liquid Training courses. A Task Force Leader with the New York City Urban Search and Rescue Task Force, John has taught in the Rescue Specialist Training Course given by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to the nation’s 28 U.S.A.R. teams. He has been decorated for valor nine times. He is also the author of the best selling “Fire Officers Handbook of Tactics” and its accompanying study guide, and is the author of a chapter on Pre-Incident Planning in the Handbook of Fire Protection. He has written extensively for such fire service magazines as WNYF, Fire Engineering, and Firehouse, and served on validation committees for the International Fire Service Training Association dealing with the following training manuals; Ventilation, Fire Service Rescue, Building Construction Related to the Fire Service, and Terrorism.
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At 11:09am on October 7, 2009,里克·弗里茨(Rick Fritz)said…
2009年9月22日晚上9:59Nick Morgansaid…
2009年8月20日下午12:37Nick Morgansaid…
我刚刚购买了您的第三版手册,看起来很棒。我期待您在9月的研讨会。您会讨论WTC 1、2和7在您的演讲中崩溃的原因吗?信不信由你,我们的FD上有些人相信这些建筑物为何崩溃的阴谋论废话。
At 9:15pm on July 3, 2009,克里斯托弗·霍利安(Kristopher Holien)said…


2009年2月26日晚上10:01弗兰克·里奇(Frank Ricci)said…
祝您新的DVD祝您好运,我请Mark Haugh给您我们的消防员生存DVD以供您评论。如果您能发表评论,Pennwell可以用于后盖,那将是很棒的。我们将重新发布WMP文件中的每个细分市场,供讲师和公司官员以及DVD使用。我认为您会喜欢我们采用的格式和常见场景方法。您在我的职业生涯中的影响很大,我感谢您。如果您不知道我们的案件将于4月份去美国最高法院。我们5年前在电话上谈论了它。您的书是此案的较小问题之一。他们说,它仅适用于纽约。我以为那会让你开心。 Bobby’s March editorial will deal with the case in March.
At 11:54am on January 21, 2009,Nick Morgansaid…
嘿,酋长,Hope you're doing well. Thanks for accepting my invite. Your book on FG tactics is truly one of my favorites. I hope to see you at FDIC. God bless and stay safe!
At 11:53pm on January 20, 2009,加里·劳赫(Gary Rauch)said…
嘿,酋长,Hope all is well with you and your family. And hope to see you at IFSI or at FDIC. BE SAFE!
At 10:30am on January 18, 2009,迈克·沃克said…

Thanks for adding me as one of your friends Chief. It would be an honor if you would check out the High-Rise Group and hopefully join the group. People from all over the country are using this group to improve their high-rise operations and I am sure your input would be extremely beneficial.
2008年8月21日晚上10:53罗伯特·E·谢尔顿(Robert E. Shelton)said…
首席,I didn't get a chance to attend when you were in Cincinnati, I hope my department took care of you. We spoke briefly at FDIC in the speakers room. I look forward to renewing our acquaintance at FDIC 2009.




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