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Steve Gillespie
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Steve Gillespie's Friends

  • Matthew R. Bartlett
  • Brett Graves
  • Dave Gallagher
  • 杰夫·加拉格尔(Jeff Gallagher)
  • Ray Bell
  • John Melfa
  • Steven Gillespie
  • Greg Wyant
  • Stephen Mickiewicz
  • Mike Stallings
  • FDTN
  • Dave Walsh
  • Jack J. Murphy
  • JJ Cassetta

Steve Gillespie's Groups

Steve Gillespie's Page


Lives in:
Years of public service:
Professional Qualifications:
Nationally Certified Level II Instructor. Instructor FDNY Probationary FF School. Instructor FDNY Technical Rescue School.
18 year member of FDNY. LT assigned to Div. 7 in the Bronx.13 years in Squad Co. 41, South Bronx. Trained in Haz-Mat, High Angle, Confined Space, Trench Rescue and collapse.


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At 9:42am on May 3, 2011,Nathan Edwards说…

Hi Steve,

Would you mind taking a look at my 9/11 picture album to see if you or your collegues might recognise any of the fire fighters I photographed at Ground Zero back in 01 when I was working for the New York Post. I am heading to New York in July and would like to make contact with them to ask if they will be part of a 10 years on photo feature project

Cheers Nathan Edwards, Australia

2009年2月4日上午9:15Dave Gallagher说…
At 6:59pm on February 3, 2009,Dave Gallagher说…
WWSD? Hey Brother... maybe you could put a sock monkey photo in.... that'd be cool....

2008年8月21日下午2:49Jack J. Murphy说…
Are you ever going to add your photo? The gray shadow representation of you makes me think you are on a Wanted List somwhere.
2008年7月17日下午2:41Mike Stallings说…
Sorry I missed you getting the medal at Medal Day, I would have loved to have been there. Keep the boys safe, keep in touch.

Be Safe.

Your Brother in Fire,
Mike Stallings
At 10:11pm on May 13, 2008,John Melfa说…
Hay Bro. Hows things? Every thing is good here in JC.

在2008年4月24日晚上7:15Anthony Avillo说…
hey bro
that's great news congrats
get him on the ladder now where all men belong!!!!
stay safe
At 7:48am on April 23, 2008,Anthony Avillo说…
Hey stevie
how's it hanging
missed u at fdic
how r things in the city
styay safe over there
At 4:01pm on April 11, 2008,Steven Gillespie说…
Hi Steve,

If you are ever in the sunshine state please let me know I would love to meet my NE namesake (brother). For clarities sake, I am a firefighter who happens to hold the rank of assistant chief. I say this because the minute I forget this I will become another worthless numbnut dipdunk forgot where he came from chief, and I do not want that to ever happen. Looking at your friends list I am sure you have and endless support system, however, If I can ever be of assistance let me know. Stay in touch.

Stay Low Stay Safe and Train Everyday

At 10:54pm on April 10, 2008,Steven Gillespie说…
Hi Steve,

I would suspect that I will be getting some of the messages intended for you and the reverse would apply as well. I find it oddd but amazing that there are two S Gillespie's on here, both career members with relatively the same amount of years on the job. Anyways, it is always great to reach out to a new brother, especially one with a great name.

Stay Low, Stay Safe, and Train Everday,

Steve G

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