达斯汀马丁内斯的岗位-消防工程培训社区188金宝搏是正规吗 2022 - 02 - 12 - t05:26:20z 达斯汀·马丁内斯 https://community.fireeNgineering.com/profile/dustinmartinez. https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/1534605626?profile=RESIZE_48X48&width=48&height=48&crop=1%3A1 https://community.fireengineering.com/profiles/blog/feed?user=25qobto9jkda2&xn_auth=no 我们的等式 标签:Community.FireeNgineering.com,2019-01-18:1219672:Blogpost:650547 2019 - 01 - 18 - t16:00:00.000z 达斯汀·马丁内斯 https://community.fireeNgineering.com/profile/dustinmartinez. 我们所做的事情有一个人为因素。公众的人为因素究竟是什么是很难量化的。你能通过数据来测量它吗?可能。我们可以使用时间间隔,从一个重要事件到另一个判断不同的持续时间,这是一种证明结果的方式,就像预先确定的一样。“她96岁,她过着美好的生活。”......“从他听到的任何人都听到了六个小时”。那个时间的舒适是alpha和omega。我们尝试... 我们所做的事情有一个人为因素。公众的人为因素究竟是什么是很难量化的。你能通过数据来测量它吗?可能。我们可以使用时间间隔,从一个重要事件到另一个判断不同的持续时间,这是一种证明结果的方式,就像预先确定的一样。“她96岁,她过着美好的生活。”......“从他听到的任何人都听到了六个小时”。时刻都在安慰我们,时间将是一切的主宰。

我们试图衡量行动和判断对我们遇到的情况是否合适。仿佛活着的、呼吸着的人是一个可以不断求解的变量。我们不承认人类行为的唯一可预测性就是不可预测性。 “Here, fight or flight kicked in”. An attempt to try and create a rationale for response using chemical and neurological pathways, only to come to the same conclusion…”I wish I could say I would do something else, but you never know what you’re going to do in that situation”…An attempt to shift the blame that the human in distress was the only contributing factor.

How can we truly describe, articulate, and demonstrate that humans in peril, as both widely diverse and encompassing, are nothing more then a roulette game of decisions. A tracking of probabilities and trends, constantly shifting towards the inclination, only to have the wheel still spinning, and the ball stop on zero.

I constantly sought to try to not only describe the human factor, but to understand it myself. The goal was the same as most in the beginning. We are here to make an impact, help others, and pass on knowledge that we were so fortunate to receive. However, it felt at times perplexing trying to describe and ingrain the fragility of the human life. I came to realize it was due to the fact that I mostly didn’t understand it myself.

Then, one morning at 12:48 am, I was able to have the epiphany I had been continuously seeking. However, bewildered and regretfully, I no longer wanted to understand. In three minutes and 40 seconds (that dimension of time appearing again) the human factor was seared into my brain, permanently implanted as a memory. I experienced my first true understanding of the fragility of life, and the magnitude of our influence on it, while carrying a twelve year old down a ladder.

Ten seconds give or take. That was my entire interaction with the child; unconscious, unresponsive, and helpless. Ten seconds flipped everything I had truly known upside down. Our mantra, “I don’t wish (insert some tragic emergency here) on someone, but if it happens, I want to be there”. A self-diagnosis, veiled in humor, that was built entirely around truth; the desire to gain knowledge and experience, to test yourself against comparable individuals, and see if you have the ability to perform during moments you shouldn’t. Our goal was to put the body to work, to eliminate any outside stressor, and execute without hesitation. We were striving to achieve autopilot, the gold standard of preparation and opportunity.

What I wasn’t prepared for was the human factor on the other side of the operation…that we ourselves are human. The same chemical and neuro-pathways that explain Jane Doe’s poor decisions and panic require a certain amount of mental dexterity for us to operate alongside. It requires a whole different level of preparation, training, and simulations to turn it off. And that is the terrifying part. The human, through panic and stress, will fall back to the most simplistic and rudimentary tasks they are comfortable performing.

And if we aren’t constantly attempting to seek refuge in our comfort spot, conveniently located in the uncomfortable, then we are failing to prepare and perform. We are failing to live up to our end of the bargain, becoming subject matter experts in the suck, an imaginary place for some, but a regularly visited training environment for others. I’ve heard it be described as attempting to be “uncommon amongst the uncommon”. The problem lies in this; the citizen doesn’t have an opportunity to request the uncommon. They fall back to their emergency equation, with our actions as their variables. Its hard to measure the human factor, its even harder to explain it. However, that difficulty pales in comparison when you realize that they are the equation, you are the variable, and the only solution is yourself.

我们的改革 标签:community.fireengineering.com, 2018 - 06 - 04:1219672:博客:645451 2018-06-04T03:00:00.000Z 达斯汀·马丁内斯 https://community.fireeNgineering.com/profile/dustinmartinez.





这些是我们服务的人。我们了解为什么我们选择这一职业的原因 已被稀释污染,浑浊与 <跨度样式=“字体大小:14pt;”>他们,公民。

我们是厌倦了轴承的滑动秤,这已经转移了我们的水平 从工艺大师的期望到接受最小能力。 虽然它们来到缓慢而跳过的实现时,我们失败了 它们,邻居。

<跨度样式=“font-size:14pt;”>从这一点开始,我们拒绝坐在炼狱中,从而从阴影, 传播消息从导师和门徒学习。我们在概念到 依靠gimmicks,选择恢复兄弟和大使通过的技能, 在我们职业的竞技场中磨练。 We will forever be in debt to those who spread their knowledge, cultivating the passion, instilling the standard, all for the benefit of them, the Stranger.

We understand, that now more than ever, needs to be a recommitment to the foundation of our existence. It is time for a thorough honest reevaluation of the true reason of our profession; the recognition that we exist to add holidays and birthdays, weddings and dances, graduations and retirements. We must come to the realization all of our tactics and abilities, skills and knowledge, successes and failures will all impact them, The Family.

We are not here to chastise from afar, to pass judgment hidden behind anonymous post, but rather to help pass along what was received; passion and accountability. To further expand on our understanding of what our mission should always be. To push for mastery, knowing that it will never be accomplished. To labor at an objective, knowing it will forever be changing. To know that now and forever, our commitment is to them.

The Citizen. The Neighbor. The Stranger. The Family.
