史蒂夫韦斯特的岗位-消防工程培训社区188金宝搏是正规吗 2022 - 01 - 08 - t21:49:13z 史蒂夫·西 https://community.fireengineering.com/profile/SteveWest https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/1534570232?profile=RESIZE_48X48&width=48&height=48&crop=1%3A1 https://community.fireengineering.com/profiles/blog/feed?user=36d6ua32zvaja&xn_auth=no 一个消防员手套 标签:community.fireengineering.com, 2009 - 05 - 06:1219672:博客:139778 2009 - 05 - 06 - t12:58:01.000z 史蒂夫·西 https://community.fireengineering.com/profile/SteveWest 消防员的手套能装很多东西,从老人的手臂到小孩摔坏的秋千,从他们握手的手和他们拍的背,到另一只树上猫的细小爪印。在凌晨2点,他们充满了铬,从DWI谁是在她回家的路上。还有他们用来倒车的设备,来自一个6口之家,她也卷入了这场车祸。春天的刷子把手掌磨出,当风吹到九十度,使手掌充满怀疑。
他们急切地离合器。救援设备、绳索、c型颈圈;他们拯救的生命是用金钱衡量的,它们是消防员的手套明显能抓住的东西,或者,这就是我一直被告知的。但还有其他的东西,消防员手套的触摸,那些是我们都非常需要的东西。 They hold back the rage on
that 3 am call, They hold in the fear when your lost in a hall, They
hold back the pity, agony, sorrow. They hold in the desire to "Do it
tomorrow". A glove is just a glove till it's on firefighter, Who
work all day long just to pull an all-nighter. And into the foray
they charge without fear, At the sound of a "Help" they think that
they hear. When firefighters' hands go into the glove, It's a
firefighter who always fills it with love. Sometimes the sorrow is
too much to bear, And it seeps the glove and burns deep "in there".
Off come the gloves when the call is done, And into the pocket until
the next run. The hands become lonely and cold for a bit, And shake
just a little thinking of it. And we sit there so red eyed with our
gloves in their coats, The tears come so fast that the furniture
floats. We're not so brave now; our hands we can't hide, I guess it
just means that we're human inside. And though some are paid and
others are not, The gloves feel the same when it's cold or it's hot.
To someone you're helping to just get along, When you fill them with
love, you always feel strong. And so when I go on my final big ride,
I hope to have my gloves by my side, To show to St. Peter at that
heavenly gate. Cause as everyone knows, Firefighters do not wait!