杰夫迪亚斯的岗位-消防工程培训社区188金宝搏是正规吗 2022 - 01 - 23 t18:38:09z 杰夫·迪亚斯 https://community.fireengineering.com/profile/JeffDias https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/1534609561?profile=RESIZE_48X48&width=48&height=48&crop=1%3A1 https://community.fireengineering.com/profiles/blog/feed?user=39q3i6zatnch8&xn_auth=no 试着不去改变并不总是坏事 标签:community.fireengineering.com, 2017 - 12 - 24:1219672:博客:643867 2017 - 12 - 24 - t14:31:04.000z 杰夫·迪亚斯 https://community.fireengineering.com/profile/JeffDias 当我在平安夜独自坐在消防站的时候,我意识到一件事,促使我写了我的第一篇博客。我来自马萨诸塞州东南部的一个海边小社区,是一个部门的轮班指挥官和培训队长,这个部门每年平均有1800人响应,有7名全职的宣誓人员和大约55名随叫随到的宣誓人员。我们部门在保持组合模式和仍然提供…方面做得很好。

当我在平安夜独自坐在消防站的时候,我意识到一件事,促使我写了我的第一篇博客。我来自马萨诸塞州东南部的一个海边小社区,是一个部门的轮班指挥官和培训队长,这个部门每年平均有1800人响应,有7名全职的宣誓人员和大约55名随叫随到的宣誓人员。我们的部门在坚持合并模式和继续提供客户应得的服务方面做得很好。我的老板在营造包容和重视所有员工的氛围方面做得很好,这是关键,因为这个地方是由我们的随叫随到的员工运营的,只是由全职人员领导和协调。我们最大的挑战是在假期招聘员工,但这是如何走到这一步的呢?由于我们只有7名全职员工,我们严重依赖我们的呼叫成员工作的有偿轮班,以执行调度职责和人员配备的第一应有的设备。当谈到假期的时候,我们很难安排人员,但说实话,我不能在这一点上找任何人的错。每个人都想在特殊的日子里与自己的第一家庭共度时光,当他们不可避免地要被拖到消防队与第二家庭团聚时,这对维持家人的支持至关重要。我也不能对组织提出任何问题,因为局长必须对我们的随叫随到员工的要求轻手轻闲,否则,如果负担太重,他们可能会失去兴趣或奉献精神。我已经意识到,要在他的位置上管理一个合并的部门,而不是一个全呼叫/志愿者或全职的部门,是多么的困难。坦率地说,我认为问题在于一代人的需求已经改变了响应者生活中的优先事项。 Before anyone starts throwing bottles at me, allow me to clarify: I am not blaming the “new generation” or any of the other current wars that seem to find their way onto social media frequently. I am convinced that if taught and mentored right, this newest generation of Firefighters is as good as any we have ever seen, they just require a different style of teaching to gain their knowledge and they have different motivators than the previous generations. It is incumbent upon us to adapt and remain progressive. What I am referring to is that there is a ton of data out there that shows a shift in the average age of volunteer and on call members as well as average years of experience and even average length of stay. Because we have seen a shift to people in another age bracket, the demands of their personal life are completely different. Personally I have noticed that even our younger members are marrying and having children sooner, which impacts us greatly by taking members from that vital age group of 18-24 where we see the most participation.
My intent for this blog post is not to inform, but to generate discussion. My effort is not to transition away from our combination model, but to preserve and improve it while meeting the needs of our taxpayers. At the end of the day, it isn’t about us it’s about the customer. For those who are from combination departments, how do you manage this challenge? What do you do to preserve the combination model and still maintain the level of service your customers deserve and expect? I ask these questions because I am proud of my organization and we take our stellar reputation very seriously. Stay safe and bring em all home!
