Fire Engineering Training Community


尼克莱琳's Blog(18)


The goal of Firefighter Rescue Survey (FirefighterRescueSurvey.comor check us out on Facebook) is to gather as much information as possible from actual rescues in the hopes of making us all more effective and efficient on our firegrounds. By collecting data from firefighters who have been in the exact situation that most of us spend a career preparing for, we hope to provide firefighters from around the…


添加ed by尼克莱琳2020年6月7日下午12:00 - 没有评论


The goal of Firefighter Rescue Survey (FirefighterRescueSurvey.comor check us out on Facebook) is to gather as much information as possible from actual rescues in the hopes of making us all more effective and efficient on our firegrounds. By collecting data from firefighters who have been in the exact situation that most of us spend a career preparing for, we hope to provide firefighters from around…


添加ed by尼克莱琳on May 14, 2020 at 7:00am — No Comments

SAFE Fireground

While the title of this piece is obviously absurd and impossible, this doesn’t stop us from striving to make it a little safer through training. This is obviously evident since life safety, both for them and for us, is our primary goal. Seems simple enough, right? Well, for some, the rub comes when we start discussing whose safety is more important… theirs or ours? Over the past couple of decades some have stated that the focus on firefighter safety is, at…


添加ed by尼克莱琳on April 15, 2016 at 12:30am — No Comments

Quality Matters



添加ed by尼克莱琳2015年7月16日上午12:30 - 没有评论


成长,可能像你们大多数人一样,我曾经玩过很多运动,虽然当我到高中时,我意识到我对大多数人都不是很擅长。尽管如此,我曾在高中,我在摔跤队伍 - 所有112磅的我。做一些快速的数学我认为我在高中赛季在垫子上花了大约175个小时。在夏天,我涉足...


添加ed by尼克莱琳on April 19, 2015 at 11:51pm — No Comments

Look Up, Look Out

I know I don’t need to tell you this, but your department doesn’t have all the answers; neither does your Chief, your Training Officer or you. For that matter, no fireground or emergency scene has ever, or will ever, go flawlessly. We’re human. We’re imperfect. And that’s okay, although this doesn’t mean that we should be satisfied with the status quo, but instead we should strive for excellence. If you’re reading this,…


添加ed by尼克莱琳on November 12, 2014 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Weapon X

我的妻子和我在一段时间前看电影(X-Men起源:狼獾) where they referenced 'Weapon X'. For anyone that hasn't seenOrigins, 'Weapon X' is a clandestine research project that genetically engineers humans and mutants, making them into super weapons. They take the best (or the worst, depending on your perspective) parts of numerous individuals to make one fully, badass…


添加ed by尼克莱琳on August 4, 2014 at 11:30pm — No Comments


For the past handful of years, through ongoing fire dynamics research, we've been deconstructing the fireground. This Fireground Genome Project has undoubtedly led us to a much better understanding of fire dynamics and the fireground. An untoward effect of this research is that the fire service is seemingly devolving into a bipartisan system. We can all sense the division. A schism has formed and too many firefighters are spewing their polarizing rhetoric…


添加ed by尼克莱琳on June 11, 2014 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Expect Training, Expect Sweat



添加ed by尼克莱琳2014年4月25日上午12:00 - 没有评论

Training to Fail (Part 2)

首先,快速纠正Training to Fail, Part 1;看起来我对Peyton Manning学习他的敌人做准备的超级碗时出现了错误。我深表歉意,从现在开始,我会尽我的尽职调查......只是开玩笑的Bronco粉丝。

这个短暂的小博客并不意味着治愈消防服务的问题training to…


添加ed by尼克莱琳2014年3月18日上午9:30 - 没有评论

Training to Fail (Part 1)



添加ed by尼克莱琳on January 30, 2014 at 2:30pm —2评论


CDC Current Intelligence Bulletin 67: Fire Service Epidemic

There's an epidemic in the American fire service, and terrifyingly little is known about it. Some estimate that as many as 1% of your brothers and sisters might already be infected, while others claim that number is as high as 10%,…


添加ed by尼克莱琳2013年11月30日在晚上8:30 -3 Comments

Firefighter Renaissance

我们生活在一个令人难以置信的时间在火中rvice; the fact that our knowledge of the fireground is evolving at an unparalleled rate, combined with the fact that at no other point in history has information been shared as fast and freely as it is today, this truly is the Firefighter Renaissance. Twenty years ago (pre-digital big bang and infinite internet), I remember searching for hours, even days for the answer to a given question. I would first look in a dictionary, then ask my…


添加ed by尼克莱琳2013年10月23日在下午4:00 -2评论


With all the recent fire studies conducted by UL, NIST, ISFSI, etc. the fire service is undergoing a renaissance...or at least that's what I thought. The aforementioned organizations have pumped out volumes of empirical data that we can consume and digest to make our profession smarter, more effective and most importantly, safer. Although over the past couple of months I have heard too many people spout misinformation regarding the findings of these studies. Specifically, I have had…


添加ed by尼克莱琳on September 23, 2013 at 12:00am —7评论

The Most Important Person on the Job

This phrase has been used countless times in the fire service to describe nearly as many positions: from the chief, the company officer, the senior firefighter, to the guys riding the backstep; although in my experience the most important person on the job is the training officer.



添加ed by尼克莱琳on July 30, 2013 at 7:30pm —2评论

Tactical Efficiency: RIC

Tactical efficiency means getting the most accomplished, in a timely manner, with the personnel that you have on the fireground. As I've mentioned in previous posts, with the prevalence and abundance of synthetic fuels and lightweight construction, fighting fires in 2013 and beyond is, and will be, different than fighting fires in past generations. The enemy is more formidable and the battlefield is less…


添加ed by尼克莱琳2013年5月3日早上8:30 -没有评论

30 Years for 30 Seconds


添加ed by尼克莱琳2013年4月19日晚上9:30 - 没有评论

A Call to Arms



添加ed by尼克莱琳2013年4月19日晚上9:30 - 没有评论

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