Fire Engineering Training Community

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在纽黑文导致千钧一发g from a High Rise Fire

New Haven Fire Fighters responded to an activated alarm that turn into a 3 alarm fire in a 19 story building. The fire was on the 14th, 13th, 12th and 11th floor. Fire extended up and down electrical conduit causing multiple electric rooms that were stacked on top of each other and became fully involved in fire.

Engine 10 and Engine 4 crew were opening the door that was being compromised by fire. When the door was opened an event described as an explosion occurred.
The Chief of Operations Heard the event from the floor below. Firefighters were caught in the flash receiving flash burns and still stood their ground. Despite extensive damage members of the department contained the fire. Both firefighters and the Lt. have been released from the ER. All members on this alarm made a difference saving lives and minimizing damage on all floors.
Reminder that any activated alarm call can be your last, we owe it to our families to be vigilant.
Be Safe,
Frank Ricci



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Comment byNick Morganon August 15, 2013 at 12:08pm

Glad your guys are OK! Stay safe brother!

Comment byDave Stacyon August 15, 2013 at 7:46am

was listening to this live from NC on my way into work! glad it was a good outcome

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