Fire Engineering Training Community


Making The Push

For many of you, when you hearNozzle Forward”在消防服务中,您确切知道该名称包含什么。对于那些不熟悉喷嘴前进的人,您会错过!所以…。您问什么喷嘴?好吧……。喷嘴向前
has been battle tested and proven to be effective and efficient.

The goal of Nozzle Forward is to increase engine company effectiveness and efficiency. The course consists of three major components of engine company work.

  1. Fire Behavior
  2. 软管管理和灭火
  3. 发动机公司战术


On day two we hit it hard from the start, using everything that we learned on day one. We were now advancing lines into the structure while flowing water, making turns while flowing, and reaching our objective in a timely manner. The beauty of it all is that the class was made up of firefighters from over twenty different departments, and everyone was on the same page, speaking the same language, and shared the same common goal. The pieces to the puzzle were now falling into place. By the end of the 13 hour day, the energy was getting low, the morale was high, and a bond had been formed with everyone involved. It did not matter whether it was a 1 ¾ line, or a 2 ½ attack line, everyone was making the push, the line was going in, and the fire was going out! Sounds like “Winning” to me!


If you see a Nozzle Forward class near you, I suggest that you sign up the first day, as theses classes fill rapidly. If there isn’t a class near you, you may want to travel to check out the class. For our class in Colorado, we had guys travel from Cedar Rapids, IA, and Wisconsin, just to see what the Nozzle Forward movement is about. These guys will tell you that the trip was well worth it, and probably one of the best classes that they have ever attended!

Aaron Fields and the Nozzle Forward instructors prove that we can all speak the same language in the fire service. Regardless if your riding backwards in Cedar Rapids, IA, or Colorado Springs, CO, we can get a handline in place, down hallways, around turns, upstairs, and into interior rooms in a timely manner. Hell, we can do it all while flowing water! If you are wondering where you can find Aaron Fields, just go to the end of the line, he’s got the pipe! Check out theNozzle Forwardwebsite for upcoming classes, and follow them on Facebook.



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