
Where firefighters come to talk training

经验或教育 - 比另一个更好?


As departments continue to increase education requirements for entrance and promotional tests, this debate grows. One side argues the importance of education while the other argues the importance of experience. I get it…I argue both sides of this debate myself.

I joined the fire service for many reasons. One of the less important reasons, but one nonetheless, was that I could have a fulfilling job without attending a bunch of “useless college.” I argued against increasing the entrance requirements in our own department many years ago because it would cut out such a great group of potential firefighters – the carpenters, electricians, mechanics, etc. that are so important to our operations.



But, I realized that I was trying to debate what so many other people seemingly try to debate. The feeling is that the debate should decide that one is better than another is. Since that is the feeling, it means one group of people – the experienced or the educated – are going to be a second-class citizen at the end of the debate. That is just not true however. In no way, shape, or form is one better than another is. This is where I think the debate goes off track in the fire service.

A quick note - I'm generalizing to keep this piece shorter. I realize generalizing is imperfect. I'm also using the words strategy and tactics in a comparison to why and how. Again, I realize it's imperfect but it is a generalization that helps illustrate the discussion some.

Experience is essential to effective operations. An experienced person – seniority does not equal experience by the way – is the bedrock of operations. An experienced person is the first to recognize a potential problem, changing conditions, or to provide a “common sense” solution. An experienced person has multiple tools for any given problem in their toolbox. An experienced person knows如何做很多事情。这使得经验丰富的人在战术层面非常适应。这是任何公司,事故指挥官和部门的巨大资产。但是,经验并不总是教whywe do something.

这就是教育的步骤。受过教育的人,只有受过教育,不知道如何。受过教育的人没有多年的经验 - 工具箱中的工具 - 在操作期间绘制。但是,一个受过教育的人可以解释why一定的工具造成了结果。这使得受过教育的人适应战略层面。

In essence, it is simply a different way of looking at the world. One is not better than another; it is just different. Here is an example. An experienced person easily internalizes the department’s mission. Without much thought, an experienced person carries out the department’s mission in day-to-day tactics because it comes naturally. On the other hand, an educated person more easily internalizes the department’s vision. Without much thought, the educated person sees in generalities what may help the department in 5 or 10 years but that person may struggle with the day-to-day execution of the department’s mission.



The reason a person with both is perfect is because one is not more important than another; one will not become a second-class citizen to the other. A firefighter or captain with experience is the cornerstone of our operations; that is the person who is going to see the obvious and bring it forward. An experienced chief is important because it, hopefully, will ground the chief so he or she “remembers where they came from.” However, education does play an increasingly important role in today’s fire service in general but particularly as a person moves up the ranks. The expectation is that an officer, including company officers, can be good at the mission but guide the department and the people who work in that department toward an outcome 1, 5, or 10 years down the road.






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评论Bobby Halton.2014年2月8日在下午4:29

Dane, I enjoyed your post, my friends in the US Marines always remind me that regardless of your rank "every Marine is a rifleman" I think the fire service would be well served to follow a similar path "every firefighter is a nozzleman first" . Education is the fruit of success it is something every man and woman wants but in varying degrees. The degrees matter in how involved we become in management and administration each organization sets those degrees as fits the local needed. I hope we always value the person first the contribution second and accomplishments third. Thanks for a good Saturday read! Bobby

评论John K. Murphy.2014年2月8日上午11:42






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