火该文g Training Community

Where firefighters come to talk training

KThis week is another retro-SOS from my original first few months. These were pictures only so now that we are broadcasting out to the FE community and in full blog mode I will add some commentary. Again, if you already saw this one I hope you get another laugh or affirmation that you are not alone in your thinking.

How many people are needed outside the building while a company is struggling to make the second or third floor with the 1sthose line? My late friend Tom Brennan said it best,“You know what we used to call RIT in my day? Having enough guys on the scene to do what we needed to do. We always had a couple units that were back up, we just didn’t call them RIT.”The RIT concept is supposed to ensure that enough members are on the scene to initiate the rescue of a firefighter if one becomes trapped or in distress. Great concept totally carried to the extreme to early by some. When some members are assigned to RIT its like a switch is turned off and eternal flame is extinguished. You can hear it in the acknowledgement of their assignment on the radio………. The frustration is often carried over because overzealous instructor or maybe overreaching policy demands that once that assignment is given you are required to stand and wait until something bad happens. Have you ever seen a company calling for someone to help with a line and a RIT is standing right beside it and never touches it? We don’t need to do away with RIT but some need to use some common sense and remove the switch. RIT needs to help the incident commander prevent firefighters from becoming trapped and sometimes that might include humping a little hose for just a few seconds in the initial few minutes so the inside crew can apply the liquid safety (water) to the fire and prevent the need of their rescue.

RIT should build up with the incident but you can’t expect to have everything in place in the initial minutes of a fire. Please don’t let a one room fire turn into a raging inferno while you are waiting to assemble a 4 company RIT. Remember RIT doesn’t make things “safe” sound fundamentals and skilled crews operating efficiently make things safe. RIT is a backup in case something goes wrong.




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评论byCharley Cashenon May 22, 2014 at 8:13am

我真的很喜欢这篇阅读,它可以单击几个回复。首先,我说我在一个练习1710的部门。我指示了几个部门。这些部门中的许多人有一个共同点,从事他们工作的人想成为消防员。RIT是任何火灾场景中非常重要的一部分,已经成为事件指挥官必须建立它们。我认为错过的是,公司第一个在场景中扮演着最大的角色。如果他们决定要积极进取并进行室内攻击,他们必须记住,如果这样做,他们将负责自己的营救。Fire Enviroments内部的经验很少,遇到了太多人。即使下一个公司在您的尾巴上是正确的,您也必须对自己的行动或侵犯负责。如果您决定“去获取”,如果决定“得到您”,您知道如何恢复吗?我的观点是,我在这一点上同意您的看法,但是RIT应该总是,训练有素,并且总是在现场,但从未打电话。

评论by保罗·斯特朗on May 21, 2014 at 6:34pm

Pro-active RIT - Absolutely! Thanks for putting this out here as a reminder for us all.

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