Fire Engineering Training Community

Where firefighters come to talk training


Recently, I was researching some topics for an upcoming training session when I ran across a fire department that states themselves as an “All Hazards” fire department. I thought about that for a second and thought to myself shouldn’t every fire department be an all hazard fire department? As firefighters we train for the unknown situations. We prepare our tools, trucks and gear for the unknown. A fire department should not limit themselves on one or two response hazards. An organization should be there and prepared for every hazard.

An “All Hazards” fire department represents every level of a hazard response whether it is trench rescue, hazardous materials, confined space, building collapse, rope rescue, fire extinguishment, EMS, dive rescue, swift water and vehicle extraction. Typically a large city fire department would consider themselves as an all hazard fire department. They have the personnel to train, they have the money to spend on equipment and they have the call volume to support it, but shouldn’t every fire department have an understanding in all hazards?

据说消防员是所有行业的杰克。我们经过训练可以思考脚步,我们接受了训练,可以使您的头保持在旋转状态,并且我们接受了训练的训练,可以在盒子外面思考。仅仅因为您的部门没有资金,人员或通话量来支持所有危害,并不意味着您无法训练或提高对所有危害的认识。现在,我并不是说您的部门必须出去购买一百万美元的沟渠/倒塌拖车,或者该部门的每个人都必须获得危险材料技术人员的认证。我的意思是,公众依靠每个消防员或消防部门都有每一个危险的知识。作为一个组织,我们会在每种情况下被要求。我们需要更好地在整个领域的知识。在其他反应中更加意识到,而不是结构性的消防或EMS应该是一个想法。188金博网网址多少公众不知道您的部门是否接受过建筑物崩溃的培训。他们所知道的是致电911寻求帮助。 What they expect is a fire truck to show up, personnel to hop off and are prepared and ready to help in whatever need.

A part of this problem is becoming complacent. Complacency stops the fire department from thinking. Just because your department has never had “that call” does not mean it can not happen in your area. This disease takes over your brain and puts blinders on your eyes; it traps your mind from thinking outside of the box. Another issue is the fire service has changed on what we do. We are no longer required to be trained on just fire suppression. Prevention, education, EMS, technical rescue and even terrorism are parts of a fire departments response. I once heard a firefighter’s brain is like a tool box, each drawer is a different response. As the firefighter opens a drawer the tools and knowledge are there to respond appropriately. We should not fill our tool boxes with just one or two responses.

Every fire department and firefighter should become aware in all hazards. A department should not limit themselves to a few responses, or have a thought of “that will never happen here.” The public trusts that we as an organization will be ready and prepared every time they call. We are the public’s only hope for success. We are called to do something that no one else can or will do, so don’t just stand there, do something. Train on different responses that can or will happen in your area. Bring up new topics for others to think about. Sit around the kitchen table after dinner and discuss high impact areas that can become a problem. Every fire department should become familiar in all hazards. The public is counting on us to be there. Stay safe.



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