Fire Engineering Training Community


Hump Day SOS - Have We Tipped the Scales?

Have We Tipped The Scales? Risk Management vs Risk Avoidance

我的朋友Chris Wessels编辑了FB帖子的版本:


Firefighting is a skilled trade, and like most skilled trades, there are levels of competence that are achieved through training and experience. For the sake of this discussion, let’s utilize the trade terms Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master Craftsman. As you begin your career as a rookie “Apprentice” your skill level is low and your task execution time is high. As you gain experience and support it with training, you become a Journeyman. As a Journeyman your skill level is at a high level and your ability to execute tasks becomes more efficient. All this time your experience enables you to take calculated risks (aka risk management) and effectively mitigate hazards. As a Journeyman you are the “go-to-guy”. As your skill and experience increase, you get to a point where you are at the top of your game, you make critical decisions quickly and efficiently and once again you make sound decisions to manage risk. This is when you become a master craftsman. In our profession the Master Craftsman is that senior apparatus operator, seasoned company officer, hard core senior firefighter, and that chief officer who has commanded the worst of the worst incidents.

这个系统很长一段时间都提供了我们的专业。当系统失败的地方是成员错过了技能和经验的进展。In other words, they leave fire operations at the Apprentice or early Journeyman level of their career and then re-enter at a position that requires a Master Craftsman level of skillsets. When this occurs, they have the responsibility of critical life safety decisions but do not have the Journeyman and Master Craftsman level of experience and knowledge. This is the point where firefighter safety morphs from risk management to risk avoidance. We as a service cannot adequately serve our citizens in a risk avoidance posture. Our profession will always have inherent dangers, however dealing with and not avoiding those dangers is the most effective way to serve our citizens.

所以答案是什么?简单,确保负责关键应急场所决定的成员通过我们的贸易水平(学徒,熟练工,硕士工商员)提升,以便他们拥有从风险管理视角而非风险管理的决策而不是勇气的知识,技能和勇气风险避免的姿势。We owe it to that elderly, mobility impaired citizen who cannot self-rescue from a structure fire. We owe it to those in our communities who cannot help themselves. If not us….who?


The Hump Day SOS has addressed this in several editions but I thought it would be good to hear it from someone else. It's not that complicated. Competence and experience gained through correct training and lessons learned from real experiences = good decision making and situational awareness which leads to good risk management. A key component is this process is our member understanding the experience and not assuming they know why. I think this is where the UL / NIST research comes into play. We need to know why what happened, happened. Knowledge in fire dynamics and fire behavior is just as critical as building construction, incident command and everything else we attempt to master. It all leads us to be better decision makers on the fire ground.




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