Fire Engineering Training Community


几年前,消防部门分享了其意见,经验教训和邮政学院知识,主要是在杂志文章中。188博金宝体育1没有Facebook,Twitter或博客。文章由编辑小组提交和审查。这些小组成员是经验丰富的消防专家,他们不仅在消防厅内,而且在消防文献的世界中“花了时间”。许多读者经常根据其编辑小组来评判杂志的质量。技术编辑将对一篇文章进行审查,其工作是确保文章中的观点具有价值并且是准确的。如果您没有通过 - 您被拒绝了。通常,如果您确实通过,您仍然与技术编辑进行讨论以清理内容。一旦获得批准,就花了几个月的时间(即使不是几年)才能真正发表您的文章。这种延迟引起了心理停顿,反思和经常对内容的修订。 It also tended to filter out the fake content and fake authors. This is roughly still the process to get an article published today.
Some may say this is a form of censorship, or that it’s close minded. I think it was and still is a form of quality control. What the internet has done to the fire service scares me. The fire service pulpit is now wide open for anyone who wants to preach. Anyone with a keyboard, an opinion, and a free afternoon can broadcast their views.互联网没有经验丰富的技术社论面板。如果您具有超凡魅力,写得好,或者可以使您的博客/页面看起来很漂亮,那么您倾向于引起注意 - 人们看着您的话,可能会听您的话。这里并不是真正的先决条件是拥有任何实际的消防经验或任何线索您在说什么。188金博网网址多少
Some of the best firemen I know are computer illiterate. They type with one finger, one letter at a time. They don’t know how to make a pretty blog or Instagram photo - but they know how to fight fire. Sadly, their voices are often lost in the shuffle to someone who has more technical skills than firefighting skills.
Today, access to the firefighting world is instant. Through the smartphone that almost all of us have in our pocket,we can shoot HD video and photos, snazzy them up, edit some text, and post it all to a variety of social networks within minutes. If it’s catchy and goes “viral” - thousands and thousands will see it by this afternoon. It’s a sad fact that more young firefighters read the internet than read the magazines. Ironically - the shorter your message, the more will read it (think Twitter)!
When reading and considering things, my friend Joe Brown used to always say “check the resume”.这一点的例证 - 即使在杂志时期,我在阅读文章之前要做的第一件事是翻转到最后并阅读作者。如果我读文章,那将极大地影响,或者我会给内容的重量多少。
  • Who is the author?
  • What department are they from?
  • What is that department’s reputation?
  • What kind of / how much work do they do?
  • 他们在部门的立场是什么?
  • How does that position relate to what they’re talking about?
  • 他们有多少时间?
Those are some of the things I would evaluate in a “resume check”. You may notice that “time on” is pretty low on the list. That’s intentional. For some, their “number of years” is their biggest claim - but what kind of years were those? A wise old saying goes,“it’s not the years in your life, but the life in your years”。我对您去过的地方和您所做的事情更感兴趣,而不是您去过那里。
With all of the uncensored opinions out there across all the platforms, I hope you are all “checking the resume” before you embrace the content.There are a lot of people out there who believe that the number of years they have, or their title, or their degrees, give them “experience” from which to preach. This is a dangerous thing. Even scarier, some firefighters and departments are actually revising how they do business based on this content! If you look into it, you may find that the author has more time on the keyboard than they do on the fireground.You may find their department has not provided them with the volume of incidents to back them up. You may find that have little to no real world experience with what they are talking about. You may find they are simply self-proclaimed.
You may find their resume is hidden; that it is very difficult to find specifics. Where did they work? When did they come on? Where was that guy an officer? Which firehouse were they in? To me, these vague, hidden resumes are indicative of a questionable background, or perhaps an attempt to conceal a career that the authorwishes比实际的还要多。我不能为与之联系的地方和职业道路感到骄傲 - 如果您隐藏它,这对您有何评论?
您知道他们说的意见是什么,每个人都有自己的权利。我想他们也有权分享。我现在正在分享自己的意见,并参与了上面谈论的所有平台。我确实相信我有诚信 - 我只诚实地写了我所知道的事情,所做的事情,并且我有背景来支持我的想法。我试图承担责任,知道我所说的话实际上可能会改变别人对威胁生命的事件的反应。这并不能使我的意见正确或福音 - 但是,如果您考虑我的背景和经验,那么与我的意见相比,它们会匹配并有意义。
I certainly invite you to look at mine.



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评论byMary Jane Dittmaron July 7, 2015 at 10:36am


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