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Having just weeded through a very large queue of FDIC 2016 speaker proposals, I thought I might share some tips and pearls for prospective conference speakers and presenters. Three times or more each year, I cull through speaker proposals, grading and selecting those I believe would best serve the needs of FDIC, EMS Today (our sister magazine "JEMS" annual conference) and Pulse Check (a small New York State EMS Conference). Some conferences limit the number of submissions, others don't. FDIC allows only two submissions per person, which implies a need to make each submission count. As a reviewer and conference advisory board member, I have some opinions to share. There are three imperatives every submitter should keep in mind:

  1. Pick a sexy title- if a title catches the eye of a reviewer, it will likely bring attendees into a classroom. It should also be short so it can be read quickly, and tell people what you are going to present. Not feeling creative? Look around: newspaper and magazine articles can provide some inspiration. Some conferences have very creative titles: Eagles, an EMS Medical Directors conference held annually in Dallas, is run by Paul Pepe, an EMS doc with an incredibly creative flair. So much so that he often retitles his presenter talks to make them more appealing.在这里访问老鹰队。No matter how much you like it, don't ever steal a title from another presenter. Stealing will invariably come back to bite you.
  2. Follow directions- 实际上,我曾经回顾过的每一堆演讲者建议都有六个左右的建议,但没有遵循指示。有些在关键地方包含空白,有些则没有提供所请求的信息(例如,在要求学习目标的框中编写程序的描述)。有时,提交表单或平台可能会令人困惑,甚至是多余的。无论如何,当您完成输入提交时,它应包含谈话标题,您的姓名,隶属关系和标题,谈话说明,概述,学习目标,您的生物和联系信息。如果缺少这些基础知识,则可能误解了说明。
  3. 有人帮你- no presenter should hit the "submit" button until they have someone else review the proposal. Get a friend (preferably someone who can proofread for grammar and spelling) to look your proposal over to make sure they can understand what you intend to speak about and how you will deliver the talk. Use a spell checker and if one is not available with the submission platform, cut and paste your material from a spell checked word processing document. Nothing says, "I'm not a spectacular presenter" more than horrible spelling and grammar. If you know an author or someone who speaks at conferences, they would likely be more than willing to look your proposal over.

提交发言人建议后,它将通过多层审查。我在所有提案中使用多个审阅者的咨询委员会会议。有些人对建议进行评分,另一些要求是/否,“解释原因”。这是事情变得有些棘手的地方。对于初学者来说,每个提议都是大海中的一条小鱼。海洋的大小可以立即杀死您的提交。例如,去年(FDIC 2015),关于自闭症的实际上有两打建议。今年,在消防员中提出了许多关于行为健康以及癌症的建议。当您的提交碰巧解决了其他几十个提交的相同主题时,审稿人会倾向于选择已知的主题专家(如果您正在阅读此帖子,那可能不是您)。另一个“海洋大小”现象与会议类型有关。 There are far more 90 minutes classroom sessions at FDIC than there are 4 hour HOT classroom sessions yet both tend to get equal numbers of submissions. Putting your chips in the bigger pool (90 minute classroom sessions) increases the likelihood of being selected.

Not every proposal can be successful and not every presenter can get onto every program. I am fond of letting people know that my own submissions to speak at FDIC are often rejected. The same happens to big names like Rick Lasky, John Salka, and Alan Brunacini. Don't take it personally and try to learn from the experience. The staff who process submissions for any conference are more often than not very happy to provide feedback on why your submission(s) weren't selected. All you have to do is ask.

Mike McEvoy

EMS Editor




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评论byJohn K. Murphyon July 13, 2015 at 10:19am

Great tips Mike

约翰 - 消防律师

评论byFire Chief Billy Greenwoodon July 13, 2015 at 8:34am


Billy Greenwood; Tap the Box on FE Radio

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