
Where firefighters come to talk training

A Fitness Transformation



One day in January of this past year I woke up and honestly had just had enough. I had watched the scale creep up over the prior months (there must be something wrong with it!) and suddenly it was reading a little over two hundred pounds. Most would say "what's wrong with that?", but for me it was heavy...very heavy. I would wake up in the morning and I would hurt, I had no energy and looking back on it now I just didn't feel good. I was borderline hypertensive, and I had a nagging acid reflux problem that forced me to take prescription medication daily.

So, I had all of these problems before me but the question I had to ask myself was what was I going to do about them? I began research on how I was going to fix this problem, and not temporarily I knew it had to be for good. Just going to the gym and doing a little of this and a little of that was not going to cut it any longer. I had long known that boxers are in fantastic shape. I spent long hours researching boxing and figured that it would work well being a firefighter. I hit the web, found a reputable gym close to home and made the call. Soon after, I participated in a free class. When I arrived I noticed the difference immediately. There were no weight machines, just a few dumbbells. No row after row of treadmills or elliptical machines; in their place were jump ropes. There was a row of heavy bags and an array of speed bags. Wow, was this was going to be different.

我知道我不是最好的shape and was not sure quite what to expect. As class began and progressed I realized what I had long known: This was not going to be easy and to be quite honest, I ran out of gas quickly. Somehow I made it through though, and I noticed a few things:

  • 那里的每个人都很好!
  • 没有典型的“健身房态度”。
  • 参加班级的每个人都互相启发和激励彼此。

I had convinced myself that a boxing gym was going to be an intimidating place and it was actually quite the opposite. I was soaked with sweat for the first time in a long time and I felt ALIVE!


那是我自己开始学习这项伟大运动的旅程的一天。有些人认为它是野蛮的;但是,您必须意识到自己可以处于最佳状态,而不必踏上戒指。您不一定要成为拳击手,但是像一个拳击手一样,这是一个好主意,它直接适用于消防员的功能健身in many ways!



  • 它会建立耐力,敏捷性,并使您在脚上点亮
  • 它建立精益功能性的肌肉力量,
  • 它增加了您的灵活性
  • It makes you思考在您工作时。拳击也是一项运动头脑as it is for the身体,and thinking while you are working is such an important trait for a firefighter.
  • 这也很有趣!

Over the last eight months, coupled with revamping my eating habits (that is a subject for another article):

  • I have lost close to 25 pounds
  • 我的血压显着下降
  • 我不再每天服用胃酸反流药物
  • 我的能量增加了十倍
  • 我有一个新发现的心理清晰度
  • I wake up in the morning feeling great

如果您发现自己处在我所处的情况下,我敦促您对此做些事情,并从今天开始!没有人会为你做。您需要为您和您的家人做。在接下来的几周和几个月中,我将通过博客文章和视频与您分享一些我学到的练习,why they are good for you as a firefighter,以及几乎没有设备几乎任何时候可以在任何地方进行的操作。让您今天开始的新旅程!


这篇文章是由纽约州长岛Dix Hills消防局的前二十名消防员功能培训小组成员消防局局长罗伯特·弗林(Robert Fling)撰写的。




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