今天我要去做年度体检。你知道那种你被戳,被戳,被绑上电线,然后在跑步机上跑得精疲力尽的那种。我们都经历过,35年后,你会认为这是家常便饭。但每年,至少对我来说,这是一个更大的挑战。但我再次自豪地说,我成功地保持在一个健康、合格的适合当值干部的行列。现在,在你们所有人鼓掌(或嘲笑)之前,我刚刚经历的事情对这个行业的任何人来说都是或应该是正常的年度活动。为了工作而保持健康应该是意料之中的事。作为首席执行官,我们要求我们所有的消防队员和公司高管都有一个表现标准,所以我们不应该也要求自己有同样的标准吗?今天在检查我的检查结果时,我的医生说了一些让我大吃一惊的话,并促使我写了这篇博客。他说:“迈克,你是我每年在这里见到的少数几个酋长之一。 You would be surprised how many Chiefs from the different departments we serve that never come in for this." Thinking about it I could see how easy it would be to do that. I get all the results back and it's me reporting to the Fire Chief everyone's results. No one would ever be the wiser if I did. But I would. How could I look another brother or sister in the face knowing I wasn't living up to that same standard? If you are in a position of leadership it doesn't exempt you from a standard. I know, I have heard the arguments and even nodded in agreement when I have heard other Chiefs say things like "I just ride around in the van and take command. I don't fight the fire anymore." Or "I hold down a desk. I am a 9-5 guy. Why should I worry about the standard?" Well for me, its because of the bottom line. We expect everyone else to. Rank is a privilege, not a right. It doesn't make you exempt. Its not a do what I say not what I do position. The crews at my station see my sorry old hind parts in their gym every morning. I always get the usual retort of " Hey Chief, don't pull something! or "We aren't working no code in the weight room boss!", along with many other unprintable choice phrases. But they see me in there. And they know even though I drive a desk, I still try to maintain. And sometimes I show up to PT with them, just to let them know I care. So if you are one of those Chiefs who doesn't think its necessary to meet the standard then maybe its time to go down to the retirement board and turn in those papers. Health is precious and this job can take it away from you very quickly. Even from behind a desk. So get off your duff, hit the gym, and schedule your annual. Do it for you, your family, and the great folks you have such a privilege and honor to command. Let them see you are "Fit" to lead. Stay safe brothers and sisters!