Fire Engineering Training Community


One of the greatest life lessons that many of us have been taught is to “practice what you preach”. It is valuable guidance that encourages all of us to lead by example and demonstrate character traits worth following. As in everyday life, this approach also stands true in the fire service when it comes to being a mentor by taking advantage of every opportunity to train and learn. The saying "train like you play” not only applies to organized training activities; it also holds worth in taking advantage of learning opportunities found in those "routine" calls for service.


1. Apparatus Chess


For example, you respond to a commercial establishment in your first due for a fire alarm activation with no call back or confirmation. This happens on a regular basis and almost always ends with the same result: an accidental activation or system malfunction. This is the perfect opportunity to train the way you play by strategically placing your responding apparatus in the positions most conducive to your operational needs. Pull the first arriving engine past the structure if it warrants, place the truck in the front of the building, and secure a hydrant with the second due engine. Treat fire alarm activations as structure fires until proven otherwise. The more you execute these steps under normal circumstances, the more natural it will be to position apparatus correctly at an actual emergency.

2. Dress For Success


Would you show up for a job interview wearing your gym attire or your Sunday best? Dressing for success means being prepared for battle 100% of the time. Make it a challenge: turning each response into a 45 second drill not only creates an atmosphere of friendly competition amongst the crew, but also instills the importance and efficiency of donning the required personal protective equipment (PPE). When the time comes that the routine alarm is an actual fire, you will be dressed for success.



4. The CONE Game

By far the greatest advantage of these routine responses is the opportunity to perform informal pre-planning of the target hazards in your first due district. Although you are operating on an actual scene, you are in a less critical mode of response, which allows personnel to focus on important information that will be valuable during a more serious response. If you are a back step firefighter, you will not have many opportunities to perform fire inspections and pre-planning. What better way to familiarize yourself with the structures than to train by playing the CONE Game at every location you respond to, both residential and commercial?

The acronym CONE stands for Construction Type, Occupancy, Number of Floors, and Entrance/Exits. By knowing the type of建造of a building, you will be better prepared for how fire behavior could affect the structure. Knowing theoccupancy该结构将在确定生命安全和抑制问题和挑战方面发挥巨大作用。知道number of floorsin the structure is critical for your own safety. This bit of information will determine the length of the hose stretch you will pull, the distance you will travel into the structure with what air supply you have in your SCBA, and what information is needed for area familiarization should you become lost or disoriented inside of the structure. Lastly, identifying the location and number ofentrance points and exitsis important for accountability of occupants as well as for firefighters that may need to exit the building rapidly via an alternate means than the primary exit.



AB Turenne是康涅狄格州东部消防部门的22年资深人士。作为一名认证的II级消防服务教练,AB的培训课程已被证明有利于他所教的人的运营需求,进而改善了许多人的人力资本知识。AB毕业于安娜·玛丽亚学院(Anna Maria College)的公共管理硕士课程,通过为消防工程培训社区做出贡献,继续他的培训和教育努力。188金宝搏是正规吗



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