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Does This Plywood Make Me Look Vacant?

大卫·罗德斯(David Rhodes)

What if structures could talk? Would they ask rhetorical questions like, “Does this plywood make me look vacant?” knowing all along that there are people inside? In the urban environment, it is not wise to assume that boarded-up or “secured” structures are vacant. These types of structures may be houses in a neighborhood, stores that have been closed, or manufacturing plants that are no longer operational. Many city codes require that the property owners to “secure” the property. Owners do what they have to do knowing that there is no perfect system.


空在火灾中服务这个词ice has taken on a life of its own. As it relates to a structure, it means that the structure is unoccupied by human inhabitants. Many departments have generalized the term vacant. I have even seen research papers on vacant structures and the correlation to firefighter injuries. Unfortunately, this has added to the developing risk-aversion culture that tends to generalize most everything. I have been guilty of misusing the term because of a normalization of deviance. It’s easy to just say “we have a vacant structure.”



In many urban areas, an unoccupied structure is extremely rare. Most structures are occupied by someone for part of the day or night even if they are not supposed to be there. In many cases, these structures are likely to have fires and trapped individuals. These structures typically have no power or gas (unless it’s being stolen), so you have to ask, “How did the fire start?” The answer is that someone was conducting secret experiments in there and concocted a procedure of combining heat, fuel, and oxygen that spurred a chain reaction that began causing rapid oxidation. If there was no one in the structure and there is no lightning storm, then it could be possible that other pyrolytic conditions are present. It could be that magical forces were at work. If you discover this is the case, I do not recommend attacking the fire. More often than not, someone in the structure was engaged in highly technical activities like staying warm, cooking drugs, retaliating against others, or just screwing around with fire.

Negative Vacancy

I propose banning the use of “vacant structure” from fire service terminology prior to a primary and secondary search by the fire department. I am in favor of identifying buildings that may be structurally unsound as “high risk or structurally unsound” but not “vacant.” Flag them in your computer-aided design system, put big signs on the exterior, or use code enforcement to get them torn down, but don’t label them vacant. It is our job to determine if a structure is or is not occupied when there is a fire. The fire department does not make rescue decisions based on the economic status of the individual. A life is a life. The determination of when to “go or not go” should not be based on a self-imposed classification of the structure as “vacant.” If the structural integrity is compromised beyond your risk-management level of acceptance in a pretty house, you should not go. If the structural integrity is not compromised beyond your risk-management level in an ugly, boarded up structure, GO!

一旦现场,总体受害者的生存能力和结构性风险概况是“ Go或no Go”的决定因素。对“空置”的感知的前部具有有害的副作用,即产生一种冷淡的,缓慢的,而不是大事,“只是另一种空置结构”的心态。一直以来,有人可能死在里面。

One of my crews rescued a 60-something-year-old man from a structure that the initial crews took for “vacant” based on assumptions-not evaluations. These initial crews operated in the exterior defensive mode for more than 25 minutes because of our overemphasis on the term “vacant.” This perception was further reinforced as it was dispatched as a “vacant structure on fire.” When we arrived, we could see areas of the structure that we determined could be and needed to be searched. Just two rooms were survivable but the house, despite some heavy fire in three rooms and the attic, was not falling in or rotting.


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