Fire Engineering Training Community

Where firefighters come to talk training

随着人口不断增长,城市/郊区环境的扩展以及减少of people willing to volunteer, we are seeing an increase in career Firefighter openings. Add thisto a struggling economy and an increase in unemployment, and it’s no wonder why so manypeople are lining up to test for the position of Firefighter. We generally have secure jobs, decentpay & benefits, a good pension plan, and an awesome schedule. Who wouldn’t want to be aFirefighter? We are blessed every day to wake up and wear the Maltese Cross on our chest. Butthis is not a path suitable for everyone.

This is a lifestyle not a job.I have worked with many career Firefighters who have no desireto be a Firefighter. Many times they have taken this job to hold them over until they get其他东西,有些从未出来。在大多数情况下,它非常明显,因为这些people do not commit anything to the Fire Service. Bare minimum kind of guys. This is not ajob that allows you to come in, clock your time, and leave. We are not stamping metal or努力工作,这是一个非常充满活力的职业。我们回应一切和每个电话响应与最后一个不同。您必须为这项工作承担大部分生活。If you don’t you’re a risk to yourself and others. On top of that you’re going to be miserable.

This is a trade.A lot of the younger candidates I see coming into the Fire Service have学士学位的消防科学学位,但无法处理霍斯线或强迫门。我们穿蓝色项圈,并在衬衫上有名字。这不是一项学术工作。它是手。它熟练劳动。不要误会我的学位,我是增加您的坚强支持者knowledge academically to become better at your job, but you have to be able to do the job first.Take on an apprentice mindset and learn your trade.

This is a team sport.You have to be able to interact with others in this job. Everything that你会do is done as a team and you will interact with the public every day. If you are more ofthe loner type this is not a good fit. Everything is done together. We eat, work, exercise, train,and sleep together. Most of us even meet up on our days off and spend more time together. If您真的不认识某人,您如何每天将自己的生活掌握在他们的手中?

Values are imperative.这是唯一作为陌生人的职业之一people willwillingly put their children’slife in your hands with no questions asked. Wecome into people’shome every day without a second of hesitation. This amount of trust is something that has to be在那里我们能够完成我们的工作,并且由于我们的价值观,我们拥有这种信任。你不have to be a saint, but you do have to know right from wrong. I like to always try and live by thevalues I learned in the Army; Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless-Service, Honor, Integrity, &Personal Courage. These don’t apply to everyone but, make a list of your values and what youthink a Firefighter’s values should be and compare them.

死亡是我们工作的一部分。Wegenerally do not get called when everything is okay.Youwill see people die and it is not as peaceful as Hollywood makes it seem. It’snot something anyof us want to see or experience but it is a part of our job. It is never easy,but you have to be able继续并运行下一个通话。需要强大而稳定的中心来处理什么你会see in this job. You have to be mentally tough. Death is not only for those who you’re trying to保存.On average we lose 100 of our brothers a year.

The problem we face now is there isn’ta written or physical exam to test someone’s overallsuitability for a job that demands so much. How do we find the candidates that will fit into oursystems? W帽子流程我们可以用来消除不合法的候选人repercussions?在这项工作中取得成功所需的态度是不可衡量的,从未有记载是适合它。Weneedto educate candidates on what it takes to be a Firefighter,otherthan passing the CivilService Exam and CPAT.Let them know not everyone can do this job.



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