
Where firefighters come to talk training

在消防服务中,重要的是要招募最好的候选人加入我们的队伍。我们将整个职业发展和改善部门花费。我们灌输传统,并将部门塑造成我们引以为傲的东西。Many times, there are family members who also spent a career shaping the department.There is also the trust that has been built with the community.重要的是,我们要为我们所服务的城市提供最大的努力,并且与城市所知道的同样重要。这种信任程度使我们能够对待生病的孩子,并进入人们的家中,而不必担心。我们希望人们觉得他们到达时的担忧已经结束。我们知道我们不能总是提供帮助,但是公民应该知道如果没有人不能。有了我们投入到部门的一切,我们应该犹豫要让任何人加入。我们需要确保进入我们大部门的每个人都应该佩戴我们的补丁。


A good place to start is by promoting your department.大多数消防员都立即意识到了全国各地的消防部门。Make your department one of those departments.建立社交媒体关注者,并让您的消防员在部门中创造出伟大的文化并展示它。

社交媒体是一个很棒的招聘工具。我个人没有Facebook, Twitter,或者一个nything like that, but most of my generation does.So, this is somewhere we need to be active.Post everything your department is doing.Fill your department Facebook page up with promotions, pictures & videos of incidents, new equipment, training, etc.Have your department Twitter be a live feed of calls.It doesn’t have to list specifics.将其发布时间,事件类型和派遣单位。Create a YouTube channel where you can post videos of ceremonies, major incidents, training, and a “year in review” type video.All of this will get your departments name out there.它将让人们看到您是一个很棒的部门。It also allows interested applicants to get a good picture of your department.您的活跃越多,接下来您何时招聘时就会开始知道更多的人。

Good Firemen love being Firemen.我们喜欢它的一切。我们沉迷于消防服务的骄傲,荣誉和传统。So, we naturally look for places that allow us to promote that culture and it’s a good thing.It’s the small things that build that sense of ownership in our department.Allowing the use of personal equipment such as helmets, suspenders, or gloves is one that works great.允许您的消防员配有公司衬衫,将公司徽标涂在海湾墙上,并在钻机上贴上公司贴纸也可以建立这种骄傲。如果您的家伙对他们的部门感到非常自豪,其他人将想加入以感到自豪。

任何人都知道您部门的骄傲的唯一方法是让您的家伙炫耀。Letting them take pictures after fires to post on their Facebook or record and post fires on YouTube with helmet cameras is a great way to accomplish this.This ties the department’s culture and social media together.显然必须有规则。您不能让人们发布患者信息或尸体的图片。但这肯定是当年轻的消防员正在考虑申请部门时所做的第一件事。He YouTubes the department.Firemen want to go to a department where they get to do a lot of work.他看到消防员进行工作的视频越多,申请的可能性就越大。

After you have a strong presence on social media and an attractive departmental culture start posting your testing cycles across the country.有很多地方的消防员多于开口,所以这些家伙正在努力进入一个部门,尤其是一个像你一样大的部门。显然,在您的社交媒体上发布了职位,但是有许多网站发布消防员开口也可以使用。让所有人都知道您的测试的一种好方法是构建一个传单,该传单列出您的所有统计数据,薪酬,福利和申请流程。您希望统计数据至少列出您的呼叫量,站,员工,设备和人口。虽然您的福利应列出每个提供的福利。一旦您拥有一个很棒的信息传单,将其发送给拥有消防学院的每所技术学校或社区学院。188博金宝体育1他们几乎所有人都有一个董事会,他们发布了开口。

所有这些都应该大大增加您的申请人池。在积极的庄园中,让您的部门越来越多,您将不得不选择候选人。You’ve spent a lot of time dedicated to your department, make sure the next guy doesn’t mess it up.




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