


如果你错过了一些新闻故事,这一周将在10月7日是国家防火周。本周背后有很多历史。我鼓励您阅读所有启动方式以及何时启动。全国各地的消防站举行开放式房屋,提供车站之旅,回应访问这所学校或学校的要求,并在本周末,这些活动藏起,直到明年。我已经说过,许多其他人都有,防火和练习消防安全是每天都被认为的东西。不幸的是,悲惨的故事沿着那个州,一个孩子,一个成年人或更糟,一个家庭在房子火灾中丢失,没有工作的烟雾探测器。在侧面上,有一些故事在那里,由于警报动物或警报邻居或警报乘员意识到人们逃避房屋火灾并且成功地做到了。(没有烟雾探测器。)这些典型的故事每天都会发生。并非所有这些故事都涉及对事件指挥官或消防队伍进行面谈。但是当他们确实到达媒体时,应该指出家庭所做或没有工作烟雾探测器。 We’ve also got to do better with our reporting these incidents on our reporting software (NFIRS). Check that box! Were there working smoke detectors in the home? How else can we support smoke detectors usage without the data? The topic of Fire Prevention covers a lot more than smoke detectors, but they should be a topic on the top of our list always. Smoke detectors save lives. The fire service saves lives and protects property. That’s our mission statement. This should be easy. We have to get better with this theme. Using the media more and mentioning to that reporter that the working smoke detector did its job or that non-working smoke detectors may have worked if batteries were installed in them or even mentioning the fact that there were no working smoke detectors in place, that could have alerted the family and the fire department quicker. Social media is a powerful tool as well. Many departments have Facebook pages or Instagram accounts and Twitter feeds. We can use these tools as much as we want and educate people towards the subject of Fire Prevention. It doesn’t take much time and the information is readily available through the United States Fire Administration and other websites. Last week, the U.S.F.A. reported that 22 homes suffered home fire fatalities and that over 1800 people have died in home fires this year so far, because smoke alarms were present, but not working. I would like to ask a favor of you as a firefighter, line or chief officer. It’s a very simple favor that will only cost you a bit of time. Share these fire safety messages. They’re free! Tag your fellow members and get them to share these important messages. There are many fire safety videos that you can share as well and all you have to do is copy and paste and cite your source as applicable. Many of the fire safety messages from the U.S.F.A. allow fire departments to use their own name in addition to theirs. We don’t get too much for free these days. However, with regards to reaching the masses with fire safety messages, they are free and in abundance! Fire Prevention Saves Lives. Smoke Detectors Saves Lives ! Find those fire safety messages to share and get them out there! And check that box on your fire report. Stay safe and stay smart !









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