Comments - Door Control for Civilians Is Nothing New! - Fire Engineering Training Community 2022-05-05T07:22:46Z Amen Kevin Dippolito! Thanks… 标签, 2014 - 02年- 14:1219672:Comment:592381 2014-02-14T20:21:55.443Z John Shafer

Amen Kevin Dippolito! Thanks for reading brother Stay safe.

Amen Kevin Dippolito! Thanks for reading brother Stay safe.

John, good post. Your post ma… 标签, 2014 - 02年- 14:1219672:Comment:592188 2014-02-14T20:00:17.974Z Kevin Dippolito

John, good post.

Your post makes me think of the recent "science" and laboratory test which show closing the door behind the attack line (or closing it as much as possible) as we make a push on the fire helps control the progression of fire. REALLY??? Now by no means do I want to downplay the validity of the research and tests that were conducted, but it does surprise me that so many people have discussed these results as if it brings to light some earth shattering concept. In…

John, good post.

Your post makes me think of the recent "science" and laboratory test which show closing the door behind the attack line (or closing it as much as possible) as we make a push on the fire helps control the progression of fire. REALLY??? Now by no means do I want to downplay the validity of the research and tests that were conducted, but it does surprise me that so many people have discussed these results as if it brings to light some earth shattering concept. In reality, the entry door is just another piece of what should be coordinated ventilation between the Engine & the Truck Company.

As you said in your post, the idea of "closing the door behind you" to limit the oxygen has been something the fire service has preached in fire prevention programs for 60+ years. This concept doesn't become invalid just because fire trucks arrived, it becomes coordinated with suppression.

Stay safe,


Hi John good stuff, I remembe…,2014-02-07:1219672:Comment:592220 2014-02-07T20:07:32.412Z Bobby Halton

Hi John good stuff, I remember Vinne Dunn, Tom Brennan, Emanuel Freid, John O'Hagan, Leo Stapleton and this British guy saying essentially the same thing! "on the first discovery of fire , it is the utmost consequence to shut, and keep shut all windows. It may often be observed, after a house has been on fire, that one floor is comparatively untouched, while those above and below are nearly burned out, this arises from a door on that particular floor having been shut, and the air…

Hi John good stuff, I remember Vinne Dunn, Tom Brennan, Emanuel Freid, John O'Hagan, Leo Stapleton and this British guy saying essentially the same thing! "on the first discovery of fire , it is the utmost consequence to shut, and keep shut all windows. It may often be observed, after a house has been on fire, that one floor is comparatively untouched, while those above and below are nearly burned out, this arises from a door on that particular floor having been shut, and the air track (draught) directed else where." James Braidwood London Fire Establishment 1866. You can't make this stuff up! Thanks for a good post Bobby
