Q & A: Sean Gray on ‘Attack from the Burned Side’

Sean Gray最近呈现了一个网络广播结构消防188金博网网址多少策略,“烧焦的方面的攻击:新时代策略和任务”(点击这里观看)。下面是他在现场演示期间提出的问题的答案。

问:当您有限的人员配置 - 重置火灾或快速获取线路时,您的想法是什么?

一种。I would reset the fire first. Look up the details of 2-in/2-out and what stage the fire needs to be in for an interior attack. Reset it and go inside!




一种。The exterior fire/attic UL Module will be coming out around March 15. I would encourage you to view that module. It will have exactly what you’re looking for.

问:我们从传统中教授,这是真的。然而,在许多部门,我相信我们还从办理入住手册(国家专业资格,NPQ)中教授新的官员就像新的消防员一样。许多次的军官,尤其是新官员,散发着火,似乎他们试图记住从他们宣传过程的热门座位成分中学到的检查表上的步骤。Don’t you think we need to emphasize the dynamic thought process that the officer or incident commander needs to employ as it relates to the fire behavior, building construction, etc. that the officer is seeing on the scene so he/she can employ the proper tactic(s) for that unique incident?



一种。任何研究都没有使用标准喷嘴。即将到来的火灾攻击学习希望重新审视流畅的与雾讨论。此时建议直线溪流,而无需喷嘴的移动以进行外部攻击。抬头Los Angeles County (CA) exterior fire attack video on Vimeofor a good example.

Q. Are there any studies on the construction where the walls are constructed of foam sandwiched between sheets of oriented strand board (OSB, no studs) called structural insulated panels (SIP)?

一种。不是来自UL的任何特定研究。查看www.greenmaltese.com.. John Shafer has a multitude of reports onbuilding construction材料。


SEAN GRAY是一个21年的消防服务老兵和Cobb县(GA)消防部门的中尉。他有一个学士学位fire safety工程是UL消防员安全研究所的咨询委员会成员。
