FDIC 2022 Preview: Firefighter Functional Fitness

11 Steps to Creating a Culture of Firefighter Fitness

Captain/Training Officer Jim Moss, Metro West (MO) Fire Department; and Chief DanKerrigan, Upper Providence Township (PA) Fire Department

This class will share 11 key elements of successful fire department fitness programs. From medical and fitness evaluations to creating fitness SOGs and purchasing cost-effective fitness equipment, it will give all firefighters (both career and volunteer) the tools they need to create a culture of fitness and wellness at their fire department. Doing so will improve fireground performance and safety, career longevity, and overall morale. Attendees will learn that any investment in firefighter wellness will pay huge dividends (physically and financially) for all parties involved. Firefighters will be healthier, and fire departments will save money and have firefighters who are able to perform better on the fireground. Creating a culture of firefighter fitness and wellness may at first seem daunting, but it is within reach for every firefighter and fire department.

FDIC International 2022
takes place April 25-30, 2022.



Kerrigan: Are You Fit For the Job?

Five Steps to a Firefighter Fitness/Wellness Culture


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