FDIC 2022: The Ins and Outs of Pump Controls

Don’t Touch the Red Button: Understanding the Ins and Outs of Pump Controls

Firefighter/AEMTEdward Collet, Jackson Township (OH) Fire Department

We have all been told not to touch something at some point in our life. When it comes to operating a pump, we are told push this, pull that, don’t touch this, always do one thing, and never do another. But why? In many departments, this information has been passed down from one generation of pump operator to another. Unfortunately, this tribal knowledge often does not keep up with changes in technology and leaves out the why of the process. Pump controls have changed greatly going from manual valves and throttles to automatic pressure governors and electric valves. What the controls on a pump panel do, why they do it, and how they impact getting water to the fire are critical for an operator to understand. The most competent pump operators understand what and why behind all the pump controls, allowing them to consistently get water to the fire and proficiently troubleshoot issues when things go wrong.

FDIC International 2022takes place April 25-30, 2022.



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