Ricky Riley, Nick Wilbur, Aaron Heller, and McArthur Williams

Humpday Hangout: Knowing Your Equipment and Its Limitations

Ricky Riley and members of Traditions Training and the ISFSI discuss firefighters' obligation to know their equipment and its limitations.
Rock-n-Rescue and Omega Pacific

Owner of Rock-N-Rescue Acquires Omega Pacific Brand

The acquisition stems from the company’s vision to become a one-stop shop for the newest and most innovative products in the market for rescue and safety professionals working at heights.


Firefighter PPE with a variety of tools

What Should Firefighters Keep in Their Pockets?

It's a good idea for firefighters to regularly review the tools they carry in their pockets and make adjustments, writes Mark van der Feyst.
Halligan and ax Irons inside break glass cabinet

Drawn by Fire: Crisis Solution

Enough said! See Paul Combs's May 2022 cartoon from the print edition of188金宝搏是正规吗magazine.
Columbia-Richland Fire Department firefighter recruits at training burn

Recruit, Train, and Retain

July 19, 2022 | 1 PM EDT
Join Chase Sargent, Brandon Dreiman, and Phil Jose for a discussion on current challenges fire departments and EMS agencies face today & how to overcome them–all through real-life examples & stories.
Rosenbauer Webcast Image

Extinguishing Electric Vehicle Battery Fires

July 26, 2022 | 2 PM EDT
电话来了,当你将面临一个电动vehicle (EV) battery fire. Maybe you already have and experienced dousing an EV in more than 8,000 gallons of water and being on scene for four hours or more. There is a better way. Developed over six years in partnership with leading automotive companies the Rosenbauer battery extinguishing system technology (BEST) does the job with a fraction of the water and within an hour or less.
Richard Riley

Building an Apparatus to Do Work

July 21, 2022 | 1 PM EDT

This Webcast will go through the process and design of an apparatus that is ready to go to work. The cost of apparatus today demands that departments get the most for their money and that the rig can do the job for the community and firefighters it will serve. The engineering of rigs should always be driven by the firefighters who ride it, with a balance of mechanical needs to ensure reliable performance. This Webcast will help guide you through the design, engineering, and final delivery of your apparatus.
Maximetal fire truck

Oshkosh Corporation Acquires Maxi-Métal Inc.

MAXIMETAL is a leader in the design and manufacture of custom fire apparatus and utility vehicles in the Canadian market and will be part of Oshkosh’s Fire & Emergency segment.
Rock-n-Rescue and Omega Pacific

Owner of Rock-N-Rescue Acquires Omega Pacific Brand

The acquisition stems from the company’s vision to become a one-stop shop for the newest and most innovative products in the market for rescue and safety professionals working at heights.
Sutphen fire apparatus

FDIC International 2022 Exhibitor Showcase: Sutphen

Sutphen Corporation adds to the family-owned company’s dynamic product lineup with its new tractor drawn aerial.
Silver Ships

FDIC International 2022 Exhibitor Showcase: Silver Ships

Silver Ships recently delivered a custom fireboat to the Danbury Fire Department in Danbury, Connecticut.
狮子在外国直接投资C International 2022

FDIC International 2022 Exhibitor Showcase: LION

Check out what LION had on display in their booth at FDIC International 2022.
Tim O'Connell of Rescue 42

FDIC International 2022 Exhibitor Showcase: Rescue 42

Tim O’Connell gives an overview of the Rescue 42 products at FDIC International 2022.