Firefighter Training Drill: Fire Department Connection Identifications

Larger buildings like big box stores or those that are vertically stacked like a high-rise or office building require some type of water delivery system to provide for fire department suppression operations. Such buildings will typically employ fire department connections (FDCs) as the water delivery system.

On buildings that are equipped with standpipes and/or sprinkler systems, there will be an FDC located on the outside of the building. The FDC is designed to allow the fire department to supply and boost the incoming pressure for a standpipe and to boost the incoming pressure and supply for the sprinkler system so that optimal performance can be achieved.

To comply with building codes and fire codes, the FDC must be labelled. The FDC will be labeled with the words “standpipe” and/or “sprinkler system” on it. These labels help to ensure that the right FDC is supplied. If there is only one FDC, then there is no concern, but if there are two or more FDCs, then ensuring the right FDC is supplied will be crucial.

Why is there a need for two or more FDCs on a building? Depending upon the size of the building and the complexity of it, will require multiple standpipe systems and/or sprinkler systems. Each of these systems will have a dedicated FDC on the outside of the building for fire department use.



Firefighting Back-to-Basics: Standpipe Systems



The “Ins” and “Outs” of Fire Department Connections

Preplanning buildings in your response district will help identify which FDCs are present and ensure that labels are present and legible.

Equipment needed:access to buildings with FDCs, camera, spanner wrench

目标:To become familiar with the different FDC’s that are located within the response district.


  1. Locate the different buildings within the response district that are equipped with FDCs.
  2. Choosing a few of them, visit the building to identify what type of label is affixed to the FDC.
  3. Identify the type of FDC that is being provided with respect to hose hook-up
  4. 相机可用于拍摄FDC标签的照片,以帮助预备建筑物。
  5. When looking at the FDC, use the spanner wrench to remove the caps to make sure the FDC caps can be removed easily.
  6. Once the caps are off, inspect the FDC to ensure there are no obstructions inside.

Key points:

  1. 确保FDC标签清晰可见,并固定在FDC上。确定它是哪种类型的系统。
  2. FDC帽应该汉d tight and not seized or cranked on too tight on the FDC.
  3. 检查FDC入口时,请使用Spanner扳手戳入内部以清除任何碎屑。

Mark van der Feyst自1999年以来一直在消防部门,是格拉特福特堡(MI)消防局的消防员。他是加拿大,美国和印度以及FDIC的国际教练。他还是住宅消防救援(Fire Engineering Books & Video). He can be contacted


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