When firefighters check in ourfire apparatuson a daily or weekly basis, we need to check every operational piece of equipment on the apparatus to ensure that it is in good working condition. On an天线apparatus, the aerial ladder itself is a major component of the check in.
通常,梯子将被设置为延伸的延伸和放置的所有安全装置,例如销钉中的销或用所有的“绿色”灯亮起控制,表明所有的外缘都已到位。然后梯子将升高到大约70度并一直延伸。这天线ladderwill then be rotated all the way around either going left or right, ending up back to its original position.
- Aerial Ladders: How Strong Is Your Ladder Game?
- Safe and Effective Aerial Ladder Operations
- 188金宝慱官网历史培训分钟重新审视:通过空中梯子去除受害者
This operational check only verifies a small portion of the天线ladder。空中梯子应该在0度或更低的卡车旁边水平延伸到卡车旁边,以便我们可以“走路”梯子。走在空中梯子涉及走在它的顶部到底,然后在它下面走回来进行视觉和物理检查其他组件。这样做会捕获可能存在的其他问题。
Going off the side of the天线卡车将有一些障碍物,如身体,灯,驾驶室或空中卡车的身体顶部的隔间。走出后面的障碍物就会有更少的障碍,而不是走出前线将有一个重大阻碍 - 卡车的驾驶室。

As you will see in photo 1, the天线ladder一路延伸,从空中卡车的后部降低。这将允许操作员练习降低梯子并知道何时在提示击中地面之前停止。当延伸时,每个空中梯子都会弯曲,并在走下去时会反弹 - 当尖端降低到地面时,它无法接触地面。需要柔软的柔软,使得空中梯子可以在施加增加的重量时弯曲而不使尖端撞击地面。

In photo 2, you will see a rear-mount platform lowered off the driver side to the ground. Notice there is a cushion of flex left between the platform and the ground so that the天线laddercan flex and bounce as it needs to when walking down it or stepping in and out of the platform.
Equipment needed:Aerial ladder truck and an open space such as a parking lot or station blacktop.
- Using an open space such as a parking lot or the station front or rear blacktop, set up the aerial truck for deployment as required.
- Remove the aerial ladder from the bed and rotate it left or right so that it ends up perpendicular to the truck
- 完全扩展aerial ladder and start to lower it until the aerial tip or platform is within the desired limits from the ground
- 一旦定位,走下空中梯子,看看反弹或弯曲是否不会推动空中梯子尖端或平台击中地面
- Repeat the same thing with the aerial ladder off the rear.
- Rotate each person into the operator’s position to practice walking down the aerial ladder.
Key points:
- Be aware of the obstructions on the side of the aerial ladder truck when lowering the aerial ladder on the side
- Get to know what the required height is for the aerial ladder tip or platform to be above the ground so as to not flex and hit the ground when walking on it or boarding it.

Mark van der Feyst自1999年以来一直在消防服务,并是一个与堡垒克拉特托(MI)消防部门的消防员。他是加拿大,美国和印度和FDIC的国际教练教学。他也是领先作者住宅火灾救援(Fire Engineering Books & Video). He can be contacted atmark@firestartraining.com.。