FL Firefighters, U.S. Coast Guard Participate in Joint Air-Sea Rescue Nighttime Training Exercise

Video By Rick Stephens, courtesy of Miami-Dade Fire Rescue

Although Miami-Dade (FL) Fire Rescue (MDFR) operates two twin turbine rescue helicopters with hoist capabilities and air-deployable divers, the agency still relies heavily on the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) for air-sea rescue assets.

Here a USCG helicopter lowers a rescue swimmer/medic to the deck of an MDFR fireboat. This operation, performed to hoist patients from cruise and cargo ships, requires close coordination and communication between the fireboat’s operator and the helicopter’s hoist operator. The fireboat and helicopter’s course setting and speed must be exactly synchronized with the helicopter. Throughout most of the operation, the fireboat is out of view of the helicopter pilots and are guided by the hoist operator.


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