Thurston County (WA) Family Escapes Fast-Moving House Fire





Apr. 16—A Thurston County (WA) family lost their home and some pets in a quick-moving blaze on Tuesday, but dozens have since rallied to support them.


开普勒告诉奥林匹克他很快就注意了他姐姐的19岁男友McKay Hjelm。他们在一起,他们跳去了疏散家庭宠物的行动,其中包括两只猫,六只小猫,两只鸟和一条蛇。

“There was a fire extinguisher under the sink, but the fire was so big in the hallway, I knew that wouldn’t do anything,” he said. “Most of the smoke I was seeing came from my brother’s room.”


Both men escaped the blaze largely unharmed with nearly all the pets. Kepler said the snake died in the fire, a pet finch flew away and one cat remained unaccounted for.

Hjelm and Kepler called 911. Firefighters from the Griffin Fire Department responded at 3:27 p.m. to put the fire out and remained on scene for almost four hours, said Assistant Fire Chief Greg Rudolph.

The fire department determined the blaze likely started in a bedroom, Rudolph said, but the cause remains unknown. He said fire caused damage on the entire first floor, while the walkout basement area had smoke and water damage.


“When we looked down the hallway towards the room, we saw flames licking around the corner of that hallway and the heat blasted us, which was immense,” Hjelm said.

The aftermath

Marc Robles周三成立了一个Gofundme页面,让他的姐姐和佩戴者家庭母亲Aubriel开普勒受益。截至周五,近60岁捐赠了5,880美元。

Aubriel Kepler, 40, told The Olympian she felt immensely grateful for the firefighters and the outpouring of support.

“It’s amazing. It’s overwhelming,” Kepler said. “We’ve had so many friends leave us messages of support and offering help. I tried to respond to each person, but it’s taken a lot of time and energy. We’re still shocked.”

她说,她和她19岁的女儿Hailey Bepperer正在为西北奥林匹亚捐助者的血迹开始时,她说。她说,她的42岁的丈夫,她的42岁的丈夫,她的42岁的丈夫正在下班。

至于失落的猫,这个家庭没有放弃看。Aubriel Keppler表示,她担心Marci在寒冷中出来,所以他们回到了毁灭性遗骸。


Rather than give up, Kepler said she circled the house and called out for Marci one more time.

“I heard a very quiet meow and my heart leaped,” Kepler said. “I called her again and she started meowing very quickly. I could tell she wanted to get out and I was so afraid she was hurt.”

The firefighters previously told them not to enter the home but to call them if they needed help, she said. So that’s just what her husband did.

A firefighter arrived and made his way down into the flooded basement, she said. He found her in a closet toward the back wall and carried her out unharmed.

“That was just the best,” she said. “It was just that moment where you’re like everything is going to be okay. It was just the best feeling to be able to put my arms around her.”

Kepler said her family has received some assistance from the Red Cross and she is staying at her mother’s home for now. The cats have since calmed down and made themselves at home, she said.

She said she’s thankful her family survived the blaze and have friends and family to help them.

The family has sifted through what they could, uncovering a variety of items that were surprisingly spared by the flames.

“Once something like this happens, you cry more about the things you do find than the things that you lost because those things become so incredibly precious,” she said.

他们发现在项目her grandmother’s cookie cutters, Christmas ornaments, some pictures of cherished memories and even a cheese grater.

“We’ll keep that cheese grater forever,” she said with a laugh. “It’ll get a shrine in our new kitchen someday.”
