Kerrigan: Are You Fit For the Job?

Firefighter exercising in the firehouse

There’s much talk in the fire service about systemic answers to minimizing firefighter health risks, including solutions like theclean cab concept,physicals,sleep programs,and the like. One approach on a more individual level, however, is functional, job-related fitness, and that’s the subject of today’s presentation from Dan Kerrigan.Be sure to register for this important Webcast.

As a firefighter, the demands of the job require a comprehensive approach to wellness and a mindset that being fit for duty is a requirement, not an option. In this webcast, we’ll discuss ways to make your fitness functional. the importance of hydration, nutrition, and recovery, and how these pillars of fitness can reduce the chances of injury and death as well as increase career longevity and promote a long and healthy retirement.


Improving Your Fireground Performance: Firefighter Functional Fitness

No Gym? No Problem? Functional Fitness in the Firehouse

Dan Kerrigan Wants You ‘Functionally Fit’

Why I Teach: Dan Kerrigan and Jim Moss

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