By TODD RICHMOND Associated Press
威斯康星州麦迪逊市(AP) - 法官定于周二裁定州监管机构是否可以要求企业清理PFAS污染,而无需确定化学药品的限制,该决定将定义该州可以控制新兴土壤污染物的距离没有明确的法律或针对它们的规则。
沃克沙县巡回法官迈克尔·波伦(Michael Bohren)计划在该州最大的商业集团威斯康星州制造商和商业诉讼中提供口头裁决,以及2021年提交的Oconomowoc干洗业务Leather Rich,Inc.。
They allege that the state Department of Natural Resources has been requiring businesses that volunteer to mediate soil contamination at their sites to clean up pollution from PFAS and other so-called emerging contaminants since 2019 without any basis in statute or administrative rules restricting those pollutants.
诉讼寻求医嘱不能申报legally regulate emerging contaminants and any enforcement is therefore invalid. WMC and Leather Rich also want a declaration that the agency define hazardous substances through a rule.
If WMC and Leather Rich prevail, all efforts to remediate PFAS pollution across the state, including well testing and clean-up orders, would cease, the coalition’s law firm, Midwest Environmental Advocates, warned in a blurb on its website.
“WMC’s lawsuit could remove the only meaningful public health protection we have to address PFAS contamination in Wisconsin,” the firm said.
The state Department of Justice is defending the DNR against the lawsuit. Its attorneys have argued that there’s no real dispute that PFAS are toxic and state pollution laws give the DNR broad discretion over how to handle contaminants. What’s more, a judge lacks the authority to order the DNR to promulgate rules because rules are subject to legislative approval, they insisted.
“DNR could not ensure that ‘hazardous substance’ rules are promulgated if Plaintiffs were to prevail here,” they argued in filings. “That would leave DNR in the untenable position of being unable to fulfill its statutory duty to ensure that parties who discharge hazardous substances into Wisconsin’s environment clean up those spills.”
The DNR currently lists nearly 90 sites across Wisconsin with PFAS contamination. A number of municipalities are dealing with PFAS-contaminated groundwater, including Madison, Marinette,the town of Campbell just outside La Crosseand Peshtigo.
TheDNR’s policy board adopted limits on PFAS in drinking water and surface waters that can support fish in FebruaryThe board refused to impose standards for groundwater, however, citing the cost of replacing wells and installing treatment equipment at water utilities. Those limits are still subject to legislative approval and aren’t in place yet.
Democratic Attorney General Josh Kaulfiled a lawsuit last month反对约翰逊的控制和泰科消防产品,指控他们将火灾泡沫释放到了污染了马里内特地区土壤,地下水,地表水和空气的环境中。