纳波利塔诺宣布米ore Than $1.8 Billion in Fiscal Year 2010 Preparedness Grants

国土安全部(DHS)秘书Janet Napolitano在财政年度宣布超过18亿美元(FY)2010年联邦应急管理机构(FEMA)准备gr旨在帮助各国,城市地区,部落政府和非营利组织提升其保护,预防,与潜在恐怖袭击和其他危害相关的风险的响应和恢复能力。


The Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) is the Department’s primary funding mechanism for building and sustaining national preparedness capabilities to help strengthen the nation against the risks associated with potential terrorist attacks and other hazards.

Additionally, 80 percent of Operation Stonegarden funding – intended to support state and local law enforcement along the border– will go to Southwest border states. DHS also increased tribal funding from $1.8 million in FY 2009 to $10 million in FY 2010.

Preparedness Grant Program Allocations for Fiscal Year 2010 Include:

家land Security Grant Program (HSGP)—$1.78 billion total:

  • State Homeland Security Program (SHSP)$842 millionwill support the implementation of state homeland security strategies to build and strengthen preparedness capabilities at all levels through planning, equipment and readiness activities.
  • Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI)$832.5 million将加强区域准备能力64high-threat, high-density areas. The 10 highest risk areas (Tier 1) were eligible for more than $524.4 million,而剩下的54个城市地区,指定的二级指定II有资格超过30800万美元.
  • Operation Stonegarden (OPSG)6000万美元will enhance cooperation and coordination among federal, state, territorial, tribal and local law enforcement agencies to secure the United States land and water borders.
  • Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS)Program$39.3 million,均匀地分为124 MMRS司法管辖区,将改善全国大都市地区的区域大规模伤亡事件准备和响应能力。
  • Citizen Corps Program (CCP)$12.4 million从社区准备,反应和恢复活动中聘请公民。

部落国土安全补助计划(THSGP)$10 millionwill be provided directly to select eligible tribal applicants to implement preparedness initiatives to guard against risks associated with potential terrorist attacks and other hazards.

Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP)$19 millionwill support target-hardening activities at non-profit organizations that are at high risk of a terrorist attack and are located within one of the UASI-eligible urban areas.

Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP)—more than$33.6 millionwill enhance catastrophic incident preparedness in selected high-risk urban areas and their surrounding regions. RCPGP supports coordination of regional all-hazards planning, including the development of protocols and procedures to manage regional planning for catastrophic events.


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